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'We are all of flesh and blood, she said, 'but in the same situation the fille de chambre conducts herself differently to the femme de qualité. What a serious impression I am giving you of grandmamma, though! She was a gay person, full of pleasant thoughts." "She permitted pleasures, then?" "But, of course, all pleasures that did not really injure other people.

"The expression is Boileau's, Mademoiselle, in ridicule of the 'Sot de qualite, who prefers "'Le clinquant du Tasse a tout l'or de Virgile. "But for my part I have as little faith in the last as the first." "I do not know Latin, and have therefore not read Virgil," said Isaura. "Possibly," remarked Graham, "Monsieur does not know Italian, and has therefore not read Tasso."

Quelles personnes de l'histoire detestez-vous le plus? Le Connetable de Bourbon. Pour quelles fautes avez-vous le plus d'indulgence? Pour celles dont je profite. A quelle qualite donnez-vous la preference? Au devouement. Quels sont vos auteurs favoris? Calderon, Byron, Shakespeare. Quelles sont vos occupations favorites? Faire le bien. Qui voudriez-vous etre? Ce que je suis.

What waiter what cook can possibly respect men who take no soup, and begin with a roti; who know neither what is good nor what is bad; who eat rognons at dinner instead of at breakfast, and fall into raptures over sauce Robert and pieds de cochon; who cannot tell, at the first taste, whether the beaune is premiere qualite, or the fricassee made of yesterday's chicken; who suffer in the stomach after champignon, and die with indigestion of a truffle?

The larger number grow wild, and the rest are planted in a careless, irregular manner about their villages. Les terres possedees par les Malais, sont en general de tres bonne qualite. La nature semble avoir pris plaisir d'y placer ses plus excellentes productions.

"You shall hear, ma'am, the story is a very short one: It is now about eight years ago, I was rambling through the south of France, and had just reached Lyons, where the confounded pavement, that sticks up like pears, with the point upwards, had compelled me to rest some days and recruit; for this purpose I installed myself in the pension of Madame Gourgead, Rue de Petits Carmes, a quiet house where we dined at twelve, ten in number, upon about two pounds of stewed beef, with garlic and carrots a light soup, being the water which accompanied the same to render it tender in stewing some preserved cherries, and an omelette, with a pint bottle of Beaune, 6me qualite, I believe a species of pyroligneous wine made from the vine stalks, but pleasant in summer with your salad; then we played dominos in the evening, or whist for sous points, leading altogether a very quiet and virtuous existence, or as Madame herself expressed it, 'une vie tout-a-fait patriarchale; of this I cannot myself affirm how far she was right in supposing the patriarchs did exactly like us.

Now the objectors to the doctrine of instinct may say what they please, but young tailors have no intuitive method of making pantaloons; a new-born mercer cannot measure diaper; nature teaches a cook's daughter nothing about sippets. 'Les gens de qualite savent tout, sans avoir rien appris."

Worse still; when she had been invited to a supper at the excellent Madame Fargeau's, the presumptuous little bourgeoise had evidently not known her place, but had seated herself as if she were a noble lady, a fille de qualite, instead of a mere minister's widow and a watchmaker's daughter. Pretend ignorance that precedence was to be here observed!

'Energy is essential, he used to say then, 'l'énergie est la première qualité d'un homme d'état; and for all that, he was usually taken in, and any moderately experienced official could turn him round his finger.

Quelles personnes de l'histoire detestez-vous le plus? Lopez. Pour quelles fautes avez-vous le plus d'indulgence? Pour celles que la passion excuse. I add the answers of Prosper Merimee: A quelle qualite donnez-vous la preference? La perseverance. Quels sont vos auteurs favoris? Pr. Merimee. Quelles sont vos occupations favorites? Faire des chateaux en Espagne. Qui voudriez-vous etre?