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Of late their outbreaks have not been confined to night-work, but take place in open daylight, coram populo et police.

These reverend gentlemen, so long sworn friends, bound by a common bond of enmity against a certain New Light minister of the name of Lindsay, 'had a bitter black outcast, and, in the words of Lockhart, 'abused each other coram populo with a fiery virulence of personal invective such as has long been banished from all popular assemblies. This degrading spectacle of two priests ordained to preach the gospel of love, attacking each other with all the rancour of malice and uncharitableness, and foaming with the passion of a pothouse, was too flagrant an occasion for satire for Burns to miss.

His project was to massacre all the women in attendance on his army. When the assembly took place Si Wang slew his wives coram populo, and his followers, seized with an extreme frenzy, followed his example.

Ysoude! when the line of adverse spears wavered and broke, and the Saracen was victor? Was it not Ysoude! he murmured riding over alien hill and valley in pursuit of the Questing Beast? 'the glatisant beast'? Assuredly, he cried Ysoude! and meantime La Beale Ysoude sits snug in Cornwall with Tristram, who dons his armor once in a while to roll Palomides in the sand coram populo.

It did not at all appease her to hear of the scorn of the tobacconist's daughter. She glared sternly at Jack, and disappeared. He turned to Trix and reminded her without diffidence and coram populo, as his habit was, that she had promised him a stroll in the west wood.

But the middle and lower classes of Australians are not content with the baby's supremacy in the household. Wherever his mother goes, baby is also taken. He fills railway carriages and omnibuses, obstructs the pavement in perambulators, and is suckled coram populo in the Exhibition. There is no getting away from him, unless you shut yourself up altogether.

This was his last halt: the same day he sought his bed, never to rise from it again; three days later he was dead. His body was taken to Rome and buried without any ceremony in the church of Santa Maria del Populo, where lay awaiting him the corpse of his friend the Duke of Gandia; and there was now no more talk of the young cardinal, high as his rank had been, than if he had never existed.

"Segnius irritant animos demissa per aurem Quam quae sunt occulis subjecta fidelibus. "For he says, immediately after, "Non tamen intus Digna, geri promes in scenam, Multaque tolles Ex occulis, quae mox narret facundia praesens. "Among which 'many, he recounts some, "Nec pueros coram populo MEDEA trucidet, Aut in avem PROGNE mutetur, CADMUS in anguem, &c.

While Bernardo Tolomei was founding the Order of Monte Oliveto, Dante penned his letter to the cardinals of Italy: Quomodo sola sedet civitas plena populo: facta est quasi vidua domino gentium. Bernardo and his friends hollowed with their own hands grottos in the rock, and strewed their stone beds with withered chestnut-leaves.

'I don't think I ought, and I won't. 'You won't! shouted Melmotte. She merely shook her head. 'Do you mean that you, my own child, will attempt to rob your father just at the moment you can destroy him by your wickedness? She shook her head but said no other word. 'Nec pueros coram populo Medea trucidet. 'Let not Medea with unnatural rage Slaughter her mangled infants on the stage.