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Among the books he translated or edited were The Handbook, a collection of extracts on religious subjects; The Cura Pastoralis, or Herdsman's book of Gregory the Great, with a preface by himself which is the first English prose; Bede's Ecclesiastical History of the English; The English Chronicle, which, already brought up to 855, he continued up to the date of writing; it is probably by his own hand; Orosius's History of the World, which he adapted for English readers with many historical and geographical additions; the De Consolatione Philosophiæ of Boethius; and a translation of some of the Psalms.

"As to what relates to the breeding of shepherds, it is easy, so far as concerns those who remain on the farm all the time because they can have a fellow servant to wife at the farmstead, for Venus Pastoralis demands no more.

Brooke of Trinity , and purports to have been performed, no doubt at that College, before Prince Charles and the Count Palatine, on March 30, 1612 . The title is 'Scyros, Fabula Pastoralis, which has hitherto prevented its being identified as a translation of Bonarelli's play, and it is preserved in manuscripts at the University Library , Trinity and Emmanuel.

Cunningham's Growth of English Industry and Commerce, vol. i. p. 255. See also Delisle, L'Administration financière des Templiers, Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres, 1889, vol. xxxiii. pt. ii., and Ashley, Economic History, vol. i. pt. ii. p. 426. The Summa Pastoralis of Raymond de Pennafort analyses and demolishes many of the commoner devices which were employed to evade the usury laws.