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But that whiche was mixed with waterie moisture, to haue rested in the place, for the heauinesse thereof, and of the watery partes, the sea to haue comen: and the matier more compacte to haue passed into a clamminesse firste, and so into earth. This earth then brought by the heate of the sonne into a more fastenesse.

This chapter, on the Primary Qualities of Matter, controverts the opinion of Sir W. Hamilton, that extension, as consisting of co-existent partes extra partes, is immediately and necessarily apprehended by our consciousness.

The Names and Partes of 4 or 5 Gates yet remaine. We cannot help wondering why Richmond could not have preserved her gates as York has done, or why she did not even make the effort sufficient to retain a single one, as Bridlington and Beverley did.

For if my abilitie were to my will, I would vse the matter so that they should either leaue off the trade, or els cary light ships with them home againe. To the most high and renowmed Princesse ELIZABETH by the grace of God Queene of England, France and Ireland, &c. I was in the first voyage for discouerie of the partes of Russia, which begun in anno 1553.

So crauing expedition of his demand, minding to proceede further South without long detention in those partes, he dismissed them, after promise giuen of their best indeuour to satisfie speedily his so reasonable request. The marchants with their Masters departed, they caused forthwith to be discharged all the great Ordinance of their fleete in token of our welcome.

But admit, that if vpon this alarme that we haue giuen him, he tendering his naturall and neerest soile before his further remooued off gouernments, do draw his forces of old souldiers out of the Low countreys for his owne defence, is not the victory then won by drawing and holding them from thence, for the which we should haue kept an armie there at a charge by many partes greater then this, and not stirred them?

This first of all English documents connected with America ends with these words: Witnesse our Selfe at Westminster, the Fifth day of March, in the XI yeere of our reigne. To sayle to all Partes of the East, of the West, and of the North. The pointed omission of the word South made it clear that Henry had no intention of infringing Spanish rights of discovery.

The objects of these travels are historical, literary, and picturesque. Observations faites dans les Pyrenées. Par Ramond. Paris, 1789. 8vo. Voyage au Mont Perdu, et dans les Partes adjacentes des Hautes Pyrennées. Par Raymond. Paris, 1801. 8vo.

The chief gods represented the partes mundi in various ways; even the difference of sex among the deities was explained by regarding male gods as emanating from the heaven and female ones from the earth, according to a familiar ancient idea of the active and passive principle in generation.

Quoddam fabulosum scriptum exiuit per partes nostras, quod in praedicta processione circumferatur cumpheretro corpus beati Thomae, qui et in fine processionis populu compopulo communicaret proprijs manibus de Eucharistae sacramento, sed non est ita, et nunquam fuit. De Iaua, et quibusdam aiijs meridionalibus Insulis, et de farina, melle et piscibus Ogeri Ducis Danorum.