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Novellae, 22, 44: unde sancimus, si quis prohibuerit ad aliud venire matrimonium, etc. Codex, v, 3, 16. The osculum was a sort of "donation on account of marriage" made on the day of the formal engagement. Codex, i, 3, 54 . Codex, viii, 57 , I and 2. Cf. Codex, viii, 58 , 1 and 2. Codex, v, 3, 10.

Now, in the third century, historiographers observe, that Paulatum ceremoniæ auctæ sunt, hominum superstitionorum opinionibus: unde in baptismo unctionem olei, cruces signaculum, et osculum addideruntCeremonies were by little and little augmented by the opinions of superstitious men, whence it was that they added the unction of oil, the sign of the cross, and a kiss in baptism.

Fertur pudicae conjujis osculum, Parvosque natos, ut capitis minor, Ab se removisse, et virilem Torvus humi pusuisse voltum: Donec labantes consilio patres Firmaret auctor nunquam alias dato, Interque maerentes amicos Egregius properaret exul. Atqui sciebat, quae sibi barbarus Tortor pararet: non aliter tamen Dimovit obstantes propinquos, Et populum reditus morantem,

Constantine ordained, in the year 336, that if an engagement was broken by the death of one of the contracting parties and if the osculum had taken place, half of whatever donations had been given was to be handed over to the surviving party and half to the heirs of the deceased; but if the solemn osculum had not yet taken place, all gifts went to the heirs of the deceased.