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"Would it not be possible to throw them over the fence to the fowls?" I asked; but this would cause too much waste, she considered. Next I suggested that the piano should be tuned, but they were united in their disapproval of such a fearful extravagance. "The peeany makes a good nise. What ails it?"

"Oh, yis," said Koga, and, drunk with the joy of speech, he added: "I sink so. Awe time nise in Jap-pon! I sink so." "All the time nice in Japan?" echoed Sammy, lazily. "Oh, what a story!" But Koga was convulsed with innocent mirth. However excruciating the effort, he had produced a remark in English. He retired, repeating between spasms of enjoyment: "Oh, I sink so. Awe time nise in Jap-pon!"

"Oh, he said, 'They make more nise nor a nest full o' jackdaws, an' half of it like we'd no ears to our heads that waited on 'em. They talks over old Prout what he've done an' left undone about his boys. An' how their boys be fine boys, an' his'n be dom bad. Well, Oke talked like that, you know, and Richards got awf'ly wrathy. He has a down on King for something or other. Wonder why?"

A half-hearted little coal fire flickered in the grate, and Koga was cleaning silver at the table. Sammy took David Copperfield from the mantel and settled herself in a great chair. "Koga, you go fix Clown now," she suggested. Koga beamed assent. Departing, he wrestled with a remark: "Oh! Nise day. I sink so." Sammy agreed. "You don't have weather like this in Japan in April!"

Sept. 31, 186- father has got a new pair of hip boots. rany. Sept. 32. No i ment Oct 2. yesterday was Oct 1, and i got it Sept. 31. went down to Henry Youngs tonite and had my hair cut. he put some auful nise smeling oil on and when i got home they all took turns in smeling of my head. Oct. 3. i went to Church. Pile Woods sister played the organ she is going to play all time now.

"the man on the cross ruz fer the hull world aint it nise to ruz." This delicate effusion of love to her father, Tess read over many times. With pardonable pride she folded it carefully and placed it in the Bible where she had read about the cross and dying Christ. On Wednesday evening Deacon Hall tucked Augusta's pretty hand under his arm with a happy sense of proprietorship.

It read briefly: "BILL: "i looked all over Lawton for sumething nise for you to take to school. So please spend this on something you like. I will tell your mother what I done so she wont kick. Anyhow I aint afraid of her kicking ever since the day i broke her big glass dish that you said was cut. It cut me all right, but she never said a word, and I bet she wont now when i explane.

"Wot's she like?" "Oh, a rale little bit of a thing, not as big as Lizer! "And, Peter, she hes teeny little hands, as wite as snow, like that woman in the picter ma got off of the tea." "Yes, Peter," chimed in another voice; "and her feet are that little that she don't make no nise wen she walks."