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Nam et in hac ipsa beati Thomae Ecclesia statuerunt multa mirae magnitudinis simulachra, ex quibus vnum quod maius est multo alijs apparet sedens homo in alto solio adoperto aureis sericis, et lapidibus praeciosis, habensque ad collum suspensa pro ornatu multa cinctoria praeciose gemmis, et auro contexta.

What says our Marcus Tullius Si insanorum visis fides non est habenda, cur credatur somnientium visis, quae multo etiam perturbatiora sunt, non intelligo." "Yes, sir; but Cicero also tells us, that as he who passes the whole day in darting the javelin must sometimes hit the mark, so, amid the cloud of nightly dreams, some may occur consonant to future events."

Even Quintilian remarks that things which are said by a highly educated man are often easier to understand and much clearer; and that the less educated a man is, the more obscurely he will write plerumque accidit ut faciliora sint ad intelligendum et lucidiora multo que a doctissimo quoque dicuntur.... Erit ergo etiam obscurior quo quisque deterior.

Succedet igitur, ut arbitror, haud ita multo post, pro rusticana seculi nostri ruditate captatrix illa communi-loquentia robur animi virilis omne, omnem virtutem masculam, profligatura nisi cavetur." A too prophetic remark, which has been in fulfilment from the year 1680, to the present 1815.

Steele. ... Sed tu simul obligasti Perfidum votis caput, enitescis Pulchrior multo ... Hor.

And then having left his Bishopricke which was committed vnto him ouer the Church of Wilton, and having resigned the same vnto Hermannus aboue mentioned, passed ouer the seas, and trauailed through Hungarie vnto Ierusalem, &c. Cumque in Aristotele arripiendo supra multo coaetaneos meos profecissem, etiam Rhetoricam Tullij primam et secundam talo tenus induebam.

The multo reappeared and the good woman hid her face for terror at the sight, but the lad bade the multo bring him a dinner for them both on a service of silver with everything to match.

At length, however, in reply to something which I had proposed, he said shortly, Multo minus scandalosum fuisset dispensare cum majestate vestrâ super duabus uxoribus, quam ea cedere quæ ego petebam, it would have created less scandal to have granted your Majesty a dispensation to have two wives than to concede what I was then demanding.

To engage in a contest with Rome is, however, still no small enterprise, and I question if the Emperor has strength of purpose to carry it through. The Popes protested, in their day, against the Treaty of Westphalia and the Treaty of Vienna; multo magis, will they protest against the decisions of the Congress of Paris?

he discerns 'tis nothing but counterfeit and gullery. "Ut satius multo jam sit parere quietum, Quam regere imperio res velle."