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Hæmorrhage is seldom a prominent feature, as the crushing or tearing of the vessel wall leads to the obliteration of the lumen. The special risks of these wounds are: Sloughing of the bruised tissues, especially when attempts to sterilise the wound have not been successful. Reactionary hæmorrhage after the initial shock has passed off.

Thirty years before, Lumen Bartlett, a young man about twenty years old, had cleared the land with his own labor, built the house and barn, and a little later gone to live there with his wife, Althea, who was younger even than he. Life in so remote a place must have been somewhat solitary; but they were very happy, it is said, for a year and a half.

A statement so formidable was not without a hushing effect upon Messrs. Milholland and Mitchell; they went to their first "Lumen" meeting in a state of fear and came away little reassured. "I couldn't get up there," Ramsey declared, "I couldn't stand up there before all that crowd and make a speech, or debate in a debate, to save my soul and gizzard!

FILIUS IS QUI: a pause must be made at filius; the sense is not 'that son of Africanus who adopted you', but 'the son of Africanus, I mean the man who adopted you'. QUOD NI ITA FUISSET: 'now if this had not been so'; a phrase like quod cum ita sit and hoc ita dici. Cf. also 67 quod ni ita accideret; 82 quod ni ita se haberet. ALTERUM ... CIVITATIS: illud is put for ille, by attraction to lumen.

'Tis said, that the light of the sun is not one continuous thing, but that he darts new rays so thick one upon another that we cannot perceive the intermission: "Largus enim liquidi fons luminis, aetherius sol, Irrigat assidue coelum candore recenti, Suppeditatque novo confestim lumine lumen." Just so the soul variously and imperceptibly darts out her passions.

A few of these cases develop a chronic colitis. The bowel discharges are more or less coated with catarrhal secretion. Not all are constipated; obstinate diarrhea is the character of some; there are here and there a few cases that throw off a membrane two or three times a year, often in appearance like a cast of the lumen.

Above him was the throat of the balloon bunched and tied together, but with an open lumen through which Bert could peer up into a vast, empty, quiet interior, and out of which descended two fine cords of unknown import, one white, one crimson, to pockets below the ring. The netting about the balloon-ended in cords attached to the ring, a big steel-bound hoop to which the car was slung by ropes.

Other causes given are: Edema and congestion closing the lumen of the appendix, thus preventing drainage; constipation; digestive disturbances; traumatism; eating too freely while in an exhausted condition. "Whatever the predisposing causes may be in any given case, the exciting cause is always some infectious material.

When the deacon arrives near the door of the cancellata, one of the three candles is lighted, and all genuflect, except the subdeacon: the deacon then sings, Lumen Christi, the light of Christ, and the choir answers, Thanks be to God. The other two candles are lighted in turn, as the Deacon approaches nearer to the altar; singing the same words each time, but gradually in a higher tone.

Concurrently and by the same process the external clot is converted into scar tissue. If a divided artery is ligated at its cut end, the tension of the ligature is usually sufficient to rupture the inner and middle coats, which curl up within the lumen, the outer coat alone being held in the grasp of the ligature.