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Beginning with this it seems to me that we may content ourselves with inquiring into the musical character of those parts which were without doubt lyrically treated in the performance. In the early version of the poem we have a stage direction which shows that the Latin text beginning "O meos longum modulata" was sung by Orpheus.

"Now to return to the youth in the corner: Nemo mortalium omnibus horis sapit, Jemmy keep your money, or give it to the priest to keep, and it will be safest; but by no means let the Hyblean honey of the schoolmaster's blarney deprive you of it, otherwise it will be a vale, vale, longum vale between you. Crede experto!"

For surely the conscience of this evill ground whereupon they have either built, or underpropped their tyranny, causes men, as well metus as spes in longum projicere, which sets them a work on further mischiefe. Of Liberality, and Miserablenesse.

A. Si vero nervus incidatur in longum aut ex obliquo, sed non ex toto, hac cura potest consolidari.

Leslie magniloquently called "his coins," and had left in his will as a family heirloom. There were many other curiosities of congenial nature and equal value quae nunc describere longum est. Mr. Leslie was engaged at this time in what is termed "putting things to rights," an occupation he performed with exemplary care once a week.

But I dare say I reckon without my host, for there was such a "longum intervallum" between dear old Matt and me, that even that last month in town, when I saw so much of him, though there was the most entire absence of elder-brotherism on his part, and only the most kind and thoughtful affection, for which I shall always feel grateful, yet our intercourse was that of man and boy; and though the difference of years was not so formidable as between "Matthew" and Wordsworth, yet we were less than they a "pair of Friends," though a pair of very loving brothers.

Leslie magniloquently called "his coins," and had left in his will as a family heirloom. There were many other curiosities of congenial nature and equal value /quae nunc describere longum est/. Mr. Leslie was engaged at this time in what is termed "putting things to rights," an occupation he performed with exemplary care once a week.

The school-masters of Europe had recently rediscovered imitation as the royal road to learning, and in their system of language teaching emphasized imitation of classical authors more than following the precepts of the grammarians or of the rhetoricians. The epigram of Seneca, "longum iter per praecepta, breve per exempla," was the popular catchword of the age. The example was popular.

I have not stept over the threshold to-day, so very stupid have I been. July 17. Desidiæ longum valedixi. Our time is like our money. When we change a guinea, the shillings escape as things of small account; when we break a day by idleness in the morning, the rest of the hours lose their importance in our eye. I set stoutly to work about seven this morning to Boney

Aut sane in ipsa Africa fuerunt ad sinistrum Arabici sinus latus, ubi Arabiam Troglodyticam supra memoravimus. Haec quidpe nunc sub Abissinorum imperio est. Clauditur regnum ab Ortu Arabico sinu et regionibus Ajana ac Zangebara; a Meridie Monomotapa; ab Occasu Congo et Medar regnis; a Septemtrione Nubia et Agypto. Longum est ab Agypto ad Monomotapa usque mill.