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The only criticism that appeared in the papers was: "Madame Philips, une Americaine, a fait son apparence dans 'Trovatore. Elle joue assez bien, et si sa voix avait l'importance de ses jambes elle aurait eu sans doute du succes, car elle peut presque chanter." Poor Miss Philips! I felt so sorry for her. I thought of when I had seen her in America, where she had such success in the same roles.

"I wager a hundred pistoles against a flask of Joué that means an end of the Spanish peace," he said, with a laugh, and rubbing his hands together. "I am sick of these rusting times. They say that Coligny has attacked Douai already. Ah! here he comes!"

Vieilleville was approached; but, to his honour, refused to have anything to do with it. I know, however, no details." "Then all we can do at present is to wait and watch." He nodded, and poured himself out some wine. Leaving him to sip his Joué I retired to change my dress, and shortly after we rode out to the Louvre.

p. 148 what the Devil made me a ship-board? cf. Geronte's reiterated complaint 'Que diable allait-il faire dans cette galere? Les Fourberies de Scapin , ii, VII; and the phrase in Cyrano de Bergerac's Le Pedant Joue : 'Ha! que diable, que diable aller faire en cette galere?... Aller sans dessein dans une galere!... Dans la galere d'un Turc! Act ii, IV. In France this phrase is proverbial.

Pointe la Joue is an ill place to land, even if they could make it, and the chances were that the current would carry them past. How to tell her without undue upsetting? A panic might bring disaster. He looked round at her. The bright face was high and resolute. She was not aware of the danger, but from that look on her face he did not think she would go to pieces when he told her.

A contemporary had disappeared: that was what distressed him. And yet in later years M. le Commandeur's sole service had consisted in crying, 'Bien joue, mal reussi! every time Ivan Matveitch missed a stroke, playing billiards with Mr.

And so we have again and again the old story of La Fontaine’s ass, who pats his nose to the flute, and, finding that he elicits some sound, exclaims, “Moi, aussie, je joue de la flute”—a fable which we commend, at parting, to the consideration of any feminine reader who is in danger of adding to the number ofsilly novels by lady novelists.”

In effect I might well have exclaimed, for Pierrebon had opened the valise and taken therefrom a bulging wallet; and as I watched him with astonished eyes he rapidly unpacked it, pulling forth a cold chicken, some Mayence ham, a loaf of bread, and a bottle of wine, which last he put down with a little flourish, saying as he did so: "'Tis red Joué, monsieur.

And there was one, but so swift was the rush of the tide round the out-jutting rocks of La Joue, that for some minutes, as they battled with the rough edge of it, it was touch and go with them. At a word from her his arm would be at her service. But she fought bravely on, and could admire Punch's graceful action even then. The waves smacked her rudely in the face.

Molière took two whole scenes from the ridiculous comedy of the "Pédant Joué" by Cyrano de Bergerac. "These two scenes are good," he said as he was jesting with his friends. "They belong to me by right: I recover my property." After that anyone who treated the author of "Tartufe" and "Le Misanthrope" as a plagiarist would have been very badly received.