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"Strata jacent passim sus quaeque sub arbore poma." Beyond these rich masses of foliage, to which the sun lent additional splendour, at the utmost extremity of the pastures, rose the irregular ridge of the Apennines, whose deep blue presented a striking contrast to the glowing colours of the foreground.

The Summer ripening season I do claim, And man from thirty unto fifty framed, Of old when Sacrifices were Divine, I of acceptance was the holy Signe, 'Mong all thy wonders which I might recount, There's none more strange then Aetna's Sulphry mount The choaking flames, that from Vesuvius flew The over curious second Pliny flew, And with the Ashes that it sometimes shed Apulia's 'jacent parts were covered.

The fellow advanced to the captain's side, a pistol in his hand. Wentworth held the light aloft and peered down into that six feet of blackness at the jacent figure. "Shall I give him an ounce of lead to make sure, Captain?" quoth the sergeant. But Wentworth, in his great haste, had already turned about, and the light of his lanthorn no longer revealed the form of Mr. Wilding.

They have their victory; let them leave us our graves." An intense loyalty, not only to the political theories of the South, but to the memory of the men who died for them "qui bene pro patria cum patriaque jacent" still animates the survivors of the war.

Upon whose tombs these verses following were written: Hic jacent in Duno qui tumulo tumulantur in uno, Brigida, Patricius atque Columba pius, which is for to say in English: In Duno these three be buried all in one sepulchre: Bride, Patrick, and Columba the mild. Men say that this holy bishop, St. Patrick, did three great things.

Bells jingled violently, and a one-horse sledge passed Maciek like a whirlwind. He crossed himself. 'Drive on, Andrei! 'Stop, Count! It's too risky! 'Go on! Another sledge flew past. 'Bravo! Sporting fellow! 'Drive on, Jacent! Two sledges were racing each other, a driver and a mask in each.

"Quaeris, quo jaceas, post obitum, loco? Quo non nata jacent." Choro ii. 30. This other restores the sense of repose to a body without a soul: "Neque sepulcrum, quo recipiatur, habeat: portum corporis, ubi, remissa human, vita, corpus requiescat a malis." Ennius, ap.

The building was closed, but an old monk admitted us on application. The interior is quite small, but very old, and the floor is covered with the tombs of princes and prelates of a past century. Near the end I found a small slab with the inscription: "TORQUATI TASSI OSSA HIC JACENT." That was all but what more was needed? Who knows not the name and fame and sufferings of the glorious bard?

A small garden behind it masks its base; but you descend the hill to a large place de foire, ad- jacent to a fine old pubic promenade which is known as Les Jacobins, a sort of miniature Tuileries, where I strolled for a while in rectangular alleys, destitute of herbage, and received a deeper impression of vanished things.

For whatsoever is cast behind us, is just nothing: and what is to come, deceitful hope hath it: "Omnia quae eventura sunt, in incerto jacent."