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Also there came the Blue Knight, brother to them, with an hundred knights, and yielded them unto King Arthur; and the Green Knight's name was Pertolepe, and the Red Knight's name was Perimones, and the Blue Knight's name was Sir Persant of Inde. These three brethren told King Arthur how they were overcome by a knight that a damosel had with her, and called him Beaumains.

Frequenter praeliantur contra aues grandes patriae, exercitibus congregatis hinc inde, et fit strages vtrimque. Haec gens tam parua optime operatur sericum et bombycem. Isti Pygmei venerunt mihi obuiam chorizando.

These travels, of the genuineness of which there can be no doubt, derive their chief interest, as depicting the character and feelings of the author, and the impressions made on his mind by what he saw and heard. Les Observations de plusieurs Singularités et Choses mémorables trouvées en Greece, en Asie, Inde, Arabie, Egypte, &c. Par Pierre Belon. Various editions from 1550 to 1585. 4to.

And seeing that no temper of arms is of proof to secure us: "Ille licet ferro cautus, se condat et aere, Mors tamen inclusum protrahet inde caput" let us learn bravely to stand our ground, and fight him. And to begin to deprive him of the greatest advantage he has over us, let us take a way quite contrary to the common course.

The people of Inde, and Ethiope, vnder the gouernaunce of Presbiter Ihon perseauer in Christiane godlinesse, howbeit after a sort, muche different from ours.

But I let you wit that Sir Persant of Inde is nothing of might nor strength unto the knight that laid the siege about my lady. As for that, said Sir Beaumains, be it as it be may. For sithen I am come so nigh this knight I will prove his might or I depart from him, and else I shall be shamed an I now withdraw me from him.

"Inde Vitellius Cremonam flexit, et spectato munere Caecinae, insistere Bedriacensibus campis, ac vestigia recentis victoriae lustrare oculis concupivit. Foedum atque atrox spectaculum!

Inde partim asper, partimnavigia patiens; mox pracipiti cursu progressus, inter occursantes scopulos non fluere immenso fragore creditur, sed ruere. Bis in anno, certis diebus auctu magno per totam spatiatus Agyptum, foecundus innatat terris.

Ab eo quoque loco non distat multum Ecclesia beatae Maaiae Aegyptiacae, in qua et eius tumba videtur: et haud procul inde est vicus Bethphage, vbi Christus misit ante passionis suae tempus duos de discipulis pro asina et pullo eius. Et in ipso castello, quod erat sororis Marthae, et Mariae rescuscitauit fratrem earum Lazarum quatriduanum mortuum.

"That man must have been terribly angry," he said to himself. Lizzie came into the room. "I 'eard you," she said, "syin' poetry to yourself. You're as bad as Mr. 'Inde, you are. 'E's an' awful one for syin' poetry. Why down't you go out for a walk? You 'aven't seen nothink of London yet, an' 'ere you are wystin' the mornin' syin' poetry.