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All is in the glow, And must be beaten while 'tis malleable. TERZKY. Do you go thither, Illo? I must stay And wait here for the Countess Terzky. Know That we, too, are not idle. Break one string, A second is in readiness. ILLO. Yes! yes! I saw your lady smile with such sly meaning. What's in the wind? TERZKY. A secret. Hush! she comes. The COUNTESS steps out from a closet.

Will be himself my bankers for the future, Make me once more a creditable man! And this is now the third time, think of that! This kingly-minded man has rescued me From absolute ruin and restored my honor. ILLO. Oh that his power but kept pace with his wishes! Why, friend! he'd give the whole world to his soldiers.

And for that that I would that thou knew what manner of working it is that knitteth man's soul to God, and that maketh it one with Him in love and accordance of will, after the word of saint Paul saying thus: Qui adhaeret Duo unus spiritus est cum illo;214 that is to say: "Who so draweth near to God," as it is by such a reverent affection touched before, "he is one spirit with God."

ILLO. Not from his right most surely, unless first From office! Know you aught then? You alarm me. We should be ruined, every one of us! I fear we shall not go hence as we came. Enter OCTAVIO PICCOLOMINI and QUESTENBERG. Ay! ah! more still! Still more new visitors! Acknowledge, friend! that never was a camp, Which held at once so many heads of heroes.

Confess it freely. BUTLER. Yes! Prague is lost. And all the several regiments At Budweiss, Tabor, Braunau, Koenigingratz, At Brunn, and Znaym, have forsaken you, And taken the oaths of fealty anew To the emperor. Yourself, with Kinsky, Terzky, And Illo have been sentenced. WALLENSTEIN remains firm and collected. WALLENSTEIN. 'Tis decided! 'Tis well!

But though her major and minor premises may not be on the best terms with each other, even though they may remind us of that preacher of whom Pierrepont Edwards said, "If his text had the smallpox, his sermon would not catch it," her conclusion is sound, and as inspiring now as when the poet said, "Est Deus in nobis, agitante calescimus illo,"

They entreat permission to commence the attack; And if thou wouldst but give the word of onset They could now charge the enemy in rear, Into the city wedge them, and with ease O'erpower them in the narrow streets. ILLO. Oh come Let not their ardor cool. The soldiery Of Butler's corps stand by us faithfully; We are the greater number. Let us charge them And finish here in Pilsen the revolt.

It was the urgent business of that time To snatch Bavaria from her enemy's hand; And my commission of to-day instructs me To free her from her good friends and protectors. ILLO. A worthy office! After with our blood We have wrested this Bohemia from the Saxon, To be swept out of it is all our thanks, The sole reward of all our hard-won victories.

"I hear nothing of the Tacitus that is in Germany," he observes towards the close of the letter. "I am expecting an answer from the monk." "De Cornelio Tacito qui est in Germania nil sentio; expecto responsum ab illo monacho."

Immediately after the intelligence of Piccolomini's defection, he issued orders, that in future no commands were to be obeyed, which did not proceed directly from himself, or from Terzky, or Illo. He prepared, in all haste, to advance upon Prague, where he intended to throw off the mask, and openly to declare against the Emperor.