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There is more paint and surface in the former, but truth and genius in the latter. If you prefer paint and surface it is a matter of taste." "I won't endure such insinuations from you," said Mrs. Mayhew, indignantly. "Oh, hush mother!" said Ida, quietly. "I think Ik is very magnanimous in praising his friend in view of circumstances that are becoming quite apparent.

She has never exulted a moment in her power over me. My love is only another burden to her sad life. I can't help it, but I can make it as light as possible." Tears came into Ida's eyes and she faltered: "Ik, I understand you." A little later they both drove off their different ways.

"No, Cousin Ik, you will leave him to himself, for anything like what you threaten would wound two hearts already sad enough." "Well, curse it all! I must do something or other, or I'll explode, I can't sit by and twirl my thumbs while two such women as you and Miss Burton are in trouble. When a man breaks a girl's heart I feel like breaking his head." "Merciful heaven!

"Mother and Ik might learn that I am not wholly bad if they would only take the trouble to find out," she murmured. "Ik used to be kind-hearted, and I thought he cared a little for me, in spite of our sparing. Why is he so hard on me of late? Why can't he believe that I am just as capable of detesting Sibley as he is? Perhaps he does mean to say a kind word, and give me a chance to explain."

As it was, it suggested an instrument tuned to a false key and consequently discordant with all true and womanly harmonies. Her conversation with young Minty was as insipid as himself, but occasionally Stanton's cynical banter evoked something like repartee and wit. In the course of her talk she said: "By the way, Ik, mother and I start for the country next week.

Sibley would be a fatal malady to any respectable girl, but I must give up all pretence of skill at diagnosis if he is the cause; for were her heart set on him why the mischief can't she go to him with all her old reckless flippancy? There is no need of any elopement, as Ik fears.

Well, if the old saying's true, 'Handsome is that handsome does, the little school-teacher would be the girl for me were I looking for my mate." On her way to the entrance of the main parlor, Ida stopped a moment at an open window near the corner where Stanton and Van Berg were smoking. "Cousin Ik," she said, 'sotto voce. He rose and joined her.

"I'm sorry," said Stanton, gloomily, "that it should have been at your request rather than mine. But I suppose your wishes are becoming omnipotent with her." "No, Ik; I regret to say that they weigh with her only as those of a friend," was Van Berg's quiet response. "Well, well, Van, bear with me, for I'm in a devil of a scrape."

One of the pleasantest of our American writers, whom we all remember as Ik Marvel, and greet in his more recent appearance as Donald Grant Mitchell, speaks of the awkwardness which he feels in offering to the public a "panoramic view of British writers in these days of specialists, when students devote half a lifetime to the analysis of the works of a single author, and to the proper study of a single period."

In Drenthe the popular game for boys is 'Man ik sta op je blokhuis, similar to 'I am the King of the Castle, but there is also the 'Windspel. For the latter a piece of wood and a ball are necessary.