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"Ellen, my darlint," he answered, "I knew you'd be glad to get me back," and he kissed! again and again her burning lips; "but what do you mane, acushla? What reports! do you spake ov, an' ov what am I accused?" "Oh, thin, Owen, I'm glad you didn't even hear ov id; an' the poliss here searchin' the house to make you pres'ner.

De Pallatio Soldani, ac numero, et nominibus praeteritorum Soldanorum. Cayr ciuitas Imperialis et Regalis est valde munita, et grandis, decorata sede propria Sarracenorum Regni, vbi dominus eorum Soldanus communiter residere solet, in suo Calahelick, id est, castro forti, et lato, ac in euecta rupe statuto.

This work contains many literal citations of and references to foreign words, sounds, and alphabetic symbols drawn from many languages, including Gothic and Phoenician, but chiefly Latin and Greek. For example, "id:GAMMA gamma" indicates an uppercase Greek gamma-form followed by the form in lowercase.

She was a lonely creeter, her folks bein' all dead but one sister, who didn't use her waal, an' somehow I kinder yearned over her, as they say in Scripter. For all I set an' gawped, I was coming raound fast, though I felt as I used tew, when I was goin' to shoot the rapids, kinder breathless an' oncertin, whether Id come aout right side up or not. Queer, warn't it?"

Yet it may be unfair to the present to make the comparison, for the incompetents buzz in our ears, while time has mercifully stilled the bogus romances of G.P.R. James, et id omne genus.

Everything in so far as it is in itself that is to say, in so far as it is substance, for according to him substance is id quod in se est et per se concipitur that which is in itself and is conceived by itself.

"Why, you ignorant spalpeen," says he, "you mane, niggarly ignoramush," says he, "where did you lave your manners?" says he. "If I AM dead, it's no fault iv mine," says he; "an' it's not to be thrun in my teeth at every hand's turn, by the likes iv you," says he, stampin' his foot an the flure, that you'd think the boords id smash undther him.

"I dod't wadt eddy cold shots," she repeated stubbornly. "But why not? Just one little needle, you'd hardly feel it." "But I dod't like deedles!" she cried, bursting into tears. "Why dod't you leave be alode? Go take your dasty old deedles ad stick theb id people that wadt theb." "Aw, Ellie " "I dod't care, I dod't like deedles!" she wailed, burying her face in his shirt.

At last he said: "Dose are nod my boods." The tone was not one of anger, nor of sorrow, not even of contempt, but there was in it something quiet that froze the blood. He put his hand down and pressed a finger on the place where the left boot, endeavouring to be fashionable, was not quite comfortable. "Id 'urds you dere,", he said. "Dose big virms 'ave no self-respect. Drash!"

He'd turned on the tape recorder and stumbled back to the bed. He groaned, as he remembered his failure. "It's the ultimate, absolute alien, all right the back of a man's own mind. It's Freud's unconsciousness, or id. The psi factor is controlled by that, and not by the conscious mind. And the id is a primitive beast it operates on raw impulse, without reason or social consciousness.