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Now the value of the stolen diamonds was estimated at eight hundred and thirty-four contos, or about 2,500,000 francs, and so the formula became 834 834 834 834 phy jsl ydd qfd and this gave a result as little gratifying as the others het bph pa. ic. "Confound the document and him who imagined it!" shouted Jarriquez, throwing down the paper, which was wafted to the other side of the room.

"But that's waur than a bairn. You'll be worn oot wi' the care o' it. I ken by the heartaches my ain Baubie gied me. Early and late she keepit me in het water." "I hear tell that oor Maggie is just extraordinar' handsome and extraordinar' self-willed. I ken I'm going to sorrow, but her fayther was my brither, and I'll hae to do my duty, or be a meeserable woman."

She wondered if he did not understand the laboriousness of the smile with which she listened to Kennicott's account of the "good one he had on Carrie," that marital, coyly improper, ten-times-told tale of how she had forgotten to attend to Hugh because she was "all het up pounding the box" which may be translated as "eagerly playing the piano."

Presently, had any been looking, they might have seen me to start. "We pit a fomentation to his feet," the goodwife was saying, "and a het stane to his wame, and we gied him hyssop and water of pennyroyal, and fine clean balsam of sulphur for the hoast...." "Sir," says I, cutting very quietly in, "there's a friend of mine gone by the house."

The poor old ghost almost broke down and cried. Never in life had I known him so much affected, and it went right to my heart to see him wiping his eyes with his handkercher and snuffling. "Mebbe you don't make enough noise when you ha'nt," says I most sympathetic. "I do all the regular acts," says he, a bit het up by my remark. "We always were kind of limited.

We fed up at the town. The boys gets kind of restless " "Boys? Ain't you alone?" "Hell, no!" replied Williams disgustedly. "I wish I was! I got four pigeon-toed, bow-legged, bat-eared Moonstoners down in that meadow, just itchin' mad to cut loose. And they ain't sayin' a word, which is suspicious. Worryin' across the old dry spot the last three days has kind of het 'em up.

This auld hoose is no a'thegither a heepocreet: it can haud the sun aff o' ye yet." Thomas had seen Annie holding her hand to her head, an action occasioned partly by the heat and partly by the rebuff Alec had given her. She stepped into the shadow beside him. "Isna the warl' fu' o' bonnie things cheap?" Thomas went on. "The sun's fine and het the day.

"Don't be an ass, Chris." "Ah swear to God Ah am." "What's the use of getting all wrought up. The thing's over. You'll probably never see him again." "Ah ain't all het up.... Ah'm goin' to do it though." He wrung the shirt out carefully and flipped Andrews in the face with it. "There ye are," he said. "You're a good fellow, Chris, even if you are an ass."

"Ez I was sayin', I ain't no hog; an' seein' 's it's you, Welse, I'll make to scrimp along on twenty-five " "Not an ounce!" "Not the least leetle mite? Well, well, don't git het up. We'll jest fergit I ast you fer any, an' I'll drop round some likelier time. So long. Say!" He threw his jaw to one side and seemed to stiffen the muscles of his ear as he listened intently.

'You got to wait for things to grow. Lucy's dretful pious." She passed her brown hands over the violet heads, as gently as a breeze, caressing but not bending them. "I dunno 's ever I see so many vi'lets afore." "Like 'em, aunt Het?" he asked her kindly. "I guess I do!" but as she spoke, her eyes widened in awe and wonder. "My Lord!" she breathed. "They're flowers." The boy laughed.