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The Rector and his brother rose to their feet on seeing that the august personages their uncle had been expecting were approaching. They could depend on him, then. Yes, and another talk later on to fix on the last details. Would they have a little something? What? Not been to dinner yet? Well, it would be waiting for them at home, probably! Hasta la vista, chiquets!

Job, how long hasta bin here? I looked round an', by t' Mass! who sud I see but Abe Verity." "Abe Verity!" I exclaimed. "Ay, 'twere Abe hissen, plain as life. "So I said: 'Hullo! Abe, how ista? "'Just middlin', says Abe, 'an' how's thisen? How long hasta bin here? "Well, I didn't hardlins know what to say to him.

Good night, or, as my ancestors don't forget, MY ANCESTORS used to say: 'Buena noche hasta manana!" She lingered over the Spanish syllables with an imitation of Dona Anna's lisp, and with another smile, but more faint and more ghostlike than before; vanished with her companion. At eight o'clock the next morning Paul was standing beside his portmanteau on the veranda.

"A Dios, a Dios, hasta mas ver, Sibila, a Dios!" was loudly shouted, and soon most of the guests had left the tent. Those who remained behind were scattered among the different tables. Ulrich sat at one alone with Hans Eitelfritz. The lansquenet had declined Zorrillo's invitation to join him; an old friend from Madrid was present, with whom he wished to talk over happier days.

Nothing could be juster, I think! I wish no scandal resulting from a lawsuit or the notoriety of one or more duels. I should become ridiculous in the eyes of others. But in my own and your eyes, I do not propose to be! I did not desire to be your lover, I have hardly been your husband. Now I am your companion forever. Hasta la muerte! For me, the cold of an Escurial has no terror.

You swallowed but did not awaken, although he shook you and pounded you. Then he strapped your friend Adan, no? upon the back of Lolita, took you in his arms, and galloped for home you were almost at the foot of the mountain. Ay! but I was frightened when you came. Gracias a dios that you are well and not frozen. Bueno, I go to send you a good breakfast. Hasta luego."

"They kin say what they like, Don Kosay, but YOUR head is level," returned the unabashed American, grasping Don Jose's hand. "All right, then. Hasta manana, as your folks say." "Hasta manana," repeated Don Jose gravely.

DON EDUARDO. Allí ... debajo de la cama ... y abre luego, y dile que he salido muy temprano, y que no volveré hasta la noche. DOÑA MATILDE. Eduardo.... DON EDUARDO. Abre ya ... antes que nos rompa la puerta. DOÑA MATILDE. Pero, Eduardo, no entiendo.... DON EDUARDO. Abre, abre. DOÑA MATILDE. ¡Dios mío! ¿Qué querrá decir esto? CASERO. ¡Vaya, y qué dormida estaba usted!

I am ashamed to tell you that I lost it the day after you gave it to me!" "Oh! never mind. "You will know the way, Captain. Yonder is our house." And the lad pointed to the white turrets of an aristocratic-looking mansion that appeared over the tree-tops, about a mile distant from the town. "I shall easily find it." "Adieu, then, Captain; we shall be impatient till you arrive hasta la tarde!"

Well, hasta luego, as they say in these parts. Make yourselves ter home." "Now," said Roldan, as Rafael and Hill trudged into the perspective of the canon, "we must sleep, but by turns. That priest will surely go to the cave to-day, and when he finds us gone he'll come straight for the mountains; and not through the tunnel either; he'll come on that big brown horse of his.