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It certainly was a custom, as appears from the following passage in Perce-forest, vol. iii. p. 108: 'Fasoient mettre au plus hault de leur hostel un heaulme, en signe que tous les gentils hommes et gentilles femmes entrâssent hardiment en leur hostel comme en leur propre. KEARNEY. The title of a book translated by Dr. Percy.

In fact, as the Tommies would say, she could not stick it any longer. I asked her how she had got away. The answer was simple. She had merely walked down the road to Poperinghe and then, "fetching a compass" like St. Paul, had got into "Dickybush" and so home. "A very long walk?" I queried. At this she giggled, and added that "les soldats Anglais sont si gentils."

But when I overheard Rose's SOTTO VOCE to the Marquise: 'Comme ils sont gentils! I indignantly retorted that 'it wasn't kind of the hare at all: it was entirely due to my skill in setting the traps. They would catch anything that put its head into them. Just you try. How severe are the shocks of early disillusionment!

"Un mot seulement pour te dire que toutes les huit eaux-fortes sont recues a l'Academie et bien placees. Ces Academiciens commencent a devenir gentils. "Ce matin je suis alle de bonne heure a l'Academie, comme d'habitude; j'ai maintenant ma carte d'exposant dont je suis tres fier." But after a fortnight he wrote:

I will send some to the Gentils in the sea and the yls far of that haue not heard speak of me, and haue not sene my glory, shall preach my peace among the Gentiles. And againe chapter 49 I wil make waies vpon al my mountains and my footpathes shall be exalted, and behold these shall come from farre, some from the North and West, some from the land of Symis which is in the South.

They had no papers, and the French soldiers would never let them pass, but now that the Americans were here they hoped to get through; the Americans were said to be toujours gentils. While she talked in her shrill, clicking voice, the baby began to howl, dissatisfied with its nourishment. The little girl shrugged. "Il est toujours en colere," she muttered.

And she mentioned some other names that I did not remember, and opening a door she cried: "Marie, here's a visitor for you, a gentleman from Alphonsine's. You know, dear, the Englishman, Octave Barres's friend." She gave me her hand, and I held it a long while. "Comme les Anglais sont gentils. Des qu'on est malade "

On the other hand, it must be admitted that the British Officers, with their unfailing politeness and good spirits, made no small impression on them. The Subaltern once heard the old lady say to her husband "Eh! Mon vieux, quelle différence! Ils sont si gentils, si polis ... et les autres.... Ach! Les cochons!" "What an impertinence," he thought, "to compare us!"

We could hear Charles's polite compliments to Jimmie on his driving, and Jimmie's awful French, as he assured Charles that the horses were all right, "très gentils" and "très jolis." "Ne dites jamais 'doucement' aux chevaux américains. Dites 'whoa, et ils arrêteront, et quand vous dites 'Giddap, ils marcheront bien. Savez?"