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... Lucent genialibus altis Aurea fulcra toris, epulaeque ante ora paratae Regifico luxu: Furiarum maxima juxta Accubat, et manibus prohibet contingere mensas; Exurgitque facem attollens, atque intonat ore.

Not peace, but a firebrand 'facem, non pacem' had the King held forth to his subjects. When the news came to Henry of Navarre that the King had really promulgated this fatal edict, he remained for a time, with amazement and sorrow, leaning heavily upon a table, with his face in his right hand. When he raised his head again so he afterwards asserted one side of his moustachio had turned white.

One is reminded of the fine line of Propertius, in which Cornelia boasts of the blameless union of herself and her husband, Paullus "Viximus insignes inter utramque facem." This is no isolated example.

For instance, in recommending a certain kind of quickset fence, he insists upon it, as one of its advantages, that it will not readily ignite under the torch of the mischievous wayfarer: "Naturale sepimentum," says he, "quod obseri solet virgultis aut spinis, praetereuntis lascivi non metuet facem."

Ovid accordingly notices, as one amongst the familiar images of daybreak, the half-burnt torch of the traveller; and, apparently, from the position which it holds in his description, where it is ranked with the most familiar of all circumstances in all countries, that of the rural laborer going out to his morning tasks, it must have been common indeed: "Semiustamque facem vigilata nocte viator Ponet; et ad solitum rusticus ibit opus."

The Magic Art and the Evolution of Kings, i. 311 sqq. See Adonis, Attis, Osiris, Second Edition, pp. 254 sqq. Manilius, Astronom. v. 206 sqq.: "Cum vero in vastos surget Nemeaeus hiatus, Exoriturque Canis, latratque Canicula flammas Et rabit igne suo geminatque incendia solis, Qua subdente facem terris radiosque movente" etc.

Not peace, but a firebrand 'facem, non pacem' had the King held forth to his subjects. When the news came to Henry of Navarre that the King had really promulgated this fatal edict, he remained for a time, with amazement and sorrow, leaning heavily upon a table, with his face in his right hand. When he raised his head again so he afterwards asserted one side of his moustachio had turned white.

Not peace, but a firebrand 'facem, non pacem' had the King held forth to his subjects. When the news came to Henry of Navarre that the King had really promulgated this fatal edict, he remained for a time, with amazement and sorrow, leaning heavily upon a table, with his face in his right hand. When he raised his head again so he afterwards asserted one side of his moustachio had turned white.

Not peace, but a firebrand 'facem, non pacem' had the King held forth to his subjects. When the news came to Henry of Navarre that the King had really promulgated this fatal edict, he remained for a time, with amazement and sorrow, leaning heavily upon a table, with his face in his right hand. When he raised his head again so he afterwards asserted one side of his moustachio had turned white.