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The worde Extremum malorum mulier, The vtmost of euils is a woman. A fourth, who being a person of suspected religion, was continually hanted with intelligencers and spies that thought to praie vppon him for that hee had, he could not deuise which waie to shape them off, but by making away that he had.

OMNE TEMPUS AETATIS: 'every season of life'; so in 55 extremum tempus aetatis; 70 breve tempus aetatis. The opposite phrase aetas temporis is very rare; it occurs in Propertius 1, 4, 7. CETERIS: neuter adjective used as a noun, equivalent to ceteris rebus 'the other matters'; i.e. the political troubles hinted at above.

In finding your right place, and keeping it when it is found, you may have difficulty; but in going away from a gorse the field will be open for you, and when the hounds are well out and upon the scent, then remember your Latin; Occupet extremum scabies.

Some MSS. and many editions read remigrante, which some translate: making his escape, and others connect with interfectis, and suppose that he also was slain in trying to bring back his boat to shore. Whether we read remigante or remigrante, the signification of either is unusual. Praevehebantur. Inopiae is governed by eo, which is the old dat.==to such a degree. Ad extremum==at last.

"Extremum hunc, Arethusa; . . . . . . neget quis carmina Gallo?" Fabrini I had also sent me from Italy, but either he understands Virgil very imperfectly or I have no knowledge of my author. Being invited by that worthy gentleman, Sir William Bowyer, to Denham Court, I translated the first Georgic at his house and the greatest part of the last AEneid.

ALIQUID EXTREMUM: see n. on 5; cf. pro Marcello 27 EFFLUXIT: strongly aoristic in sense 'at once is gone'. TANTUM: 'only so much'. CONSECUTUS SIS: 'you may have obtained'. The subjunctive is here used in the indefinite second person to give a hypothetical character to the statement of the verb.

Johnson expressed himself much satisfied with the application. On another day after this, when talking on the subject of prayer, Dr. Brocklesby repeated from Juvenal, 'Orandum est, ut sit mens sana in corpore Sano , and so on to the end of the tenth satire; but in running it quickly over, he happened, in the line, 'Qui spatium vitae; extremum inter munera ponat,

"Nilus in extremum fugit perterritus orbem Occuluitque caput, quod adhuc latet." Lost through reckless presumption, might not earnest humility recover that mysterious lurking-place?

Decurrit autem per quendam locum dictum Maron, ac secus stagnum quod diciter Mare Tyberiadis, ac subter montes Gylboe per amoenissima loca, atque in subterraneis meatibus per longum spacium se occultans tandem exit in planitie, quae dicitur Meldam, id est, forum, quod certis temporibus ibi Nundinae exercentur, et ad extremum se iactat in mare mortuum.

I beg your pardon; but I will put my foot on your shoulder only for one moment. Occupet extremum scabies." Yes. Let the devil take the hindmost; the three or four hindmost if you will; nay, all but those strong-running horses who can force themselves into noticeable places under the judge's eye.