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Josephus describes with great vividness the siege of Jerusalem. The article on Exercitus, by Prof. Ramsay, in Smith's Dictionary, is the fullest I have read pertaining to the structure of a Roman army. For the narrative of wars, the reader is referred to ordinary Roman histories to Livy and Caesar especially; to Niebuhr, Mommsen, Arnold, and Liddell.

Subj. after donec. Cf. note, G. 37: affectavere. Reponere odium. See lexicon under repono for this phrase. Impetus exercitus. Until the freshness of his glory, and his popularity with the army should gradually decline. Etiam tum obtinebat, i.e. he was still in possession of the government, and of course in command of the army, in Britain. XL. Triumphalia ornamenta. Dr. Illustris statuae.

D.O.M. Caroli incliti et fortissimi Burgundiæ ducis exercitus Muratum obsidiens, ab Helvetiis cæsus, hoc sui Monumentum reliquit, 1476.

This simple method of reckoning would suffice in a sunny climate, even when life and business became more complicated; and it is a fact that the division of the day into hours was not known at Rome until the introduction of the sun-dial in 263 B.C. We may well find it hard to understand how such business as the meeting of the senate, of the comitia, or the exercitus, could have been fixed to particular times under such circumstances; perhaps the best way of explaining it is by noting that the Romans were very early in their habits, and that sunrise is a point of time about which there can be no mistake . But in any case the date of the introduction of the sun-dial, which almost exactly corresponds with the beginning of the Punic wars and the vast increase of civil business arising out of them, may suggest at once the primitive condition of the old Roman mind and habit, and the way in which the Romans had to learn from other peoples how to save and arrange the time that was beginning to be so precious.