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Unquestionably there was at the Revolution, in the person of King William, a small and a temporary deviation from the strict order of a regular hereditary succession; but it is against all genuine principles of jurisprudence to draw a principle from a law made in a special case and regarding an individual person. Privilegium non transit in exemplum.

XLII. Aderat jam annus, quo proconsulatum Asiae et Africae sortiretur, et occiso Civica nuper nec Agricolae consilium deerat, nec Domitiano exemplum.

The Stadholder himself treated these rumours and the consequent admonition of the States-General that he would take more than usual precautions for his safety with perfect indifference, but they were conclusive with the judges of Barneveld. "Republica poscit exemplum," said Commissioner Junius, one of the three, as he sided with the death-warrant party.

Allegory has been shown to have had a long history as an extended metaphor a rhetorical figure. Maxims are considered fully by Aristotle as aids to persuasion in rhetoric. The exemplum is obviously a stock means of rhetoric. "Examples," says Aristotle, "are of two kinds, one consisting in the allegation of historical facts, and the other in the invention of facts for oneself.

The Stadholder himself treated these rumours and the consequent admonition of the States-General that he would take more than usual precautions for his safety with perfect indifference, but they were conclusive with the judges of Barneveld. "Republica poscit exemplum," said Commissioner Junius, one of the three, as he sided with the death-warrant party.

Beneath you read "Exemplum salut. publ. cives posuere, MCCCCXV." Poor as the statue appears in its present position, the three bronze reliefs of the base gain here what they must lose in the midst of a fountain, yet even they too are unfortunate.

The Stadholder himself treated these rumours and the consequent admonition of the States-General that he would take more than usual precautions for his safety with perfect indifference, but they were conclusive with the judges of Barneveld. "Republica poscit exemplum," said Commissioner Junius, one of the three, as he sided with the death-warrant party.

To Christ’s ministering of the eucharistical supper together with the preceding supper, Christians had respect when they celebrated the Lord’s supper together with the love-feasts. Probabile est eos ad Christi exemplum respexisse, qui eucharistiam inter coenandum instituit, saith Pareus.

Here, of course, was the moment for modelling the visages regis ad exemplum; but, ere the Patriarch could frame his countenance into devout apprehension of danger, Achilles Tatius had spoken a word or two, which reminded Alexius' memory that the soldier had been brought there by his own special orders.

The Stadholder himself treated these rumours and the consequent admonition of the States-General that he would take more than usual precautions for his safety with perfect indifference, but they were conclusive with the judges of Barneveld. "Republica poscit exemplum," said Commissioner Junius, one of the three, as he sided with the death-warrant party.