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And now, benedicite, brethren! The cellarer will bestow on each a grace-cup and a morsel as ye pass the buttery, for ye have been turmoiled and anxious, and dangerous it is to fall asleep in such case with empty stomach." "Gratias agimus quam maximas, Domine reverendissime," replied the brethren, departing in their due order.

At midnight, the brooding silence of the snow-hooded solitude was broken by the tolling of the monastery bell; and while all the mountain echoes responded to the slow knell for the departed soul, there rose from the chapel under the cliffs, the solemn chant of the monks for their dead: "Requiem aeternam dona eis, Domine, et lux perpetua luceat eis."

"The olive wreath, the ivied wand, 'The sword in myrtles drest, Each legend of the shadowy strand Now wakes a vision blest; As little children lisp, and tell of heaven, So thoughts beyond their thoughts to those high bards were given." In the fork where a cross-road called the Via Ardeatina branches off from the Appian Way, is a little homely church with the strange name of "Domine quo Vadis."

«La montagne Saint-George, une des plus hautes de tout le canton du sommet de laquelle je pouvois prendre une idée topographique de tous le pays, qui domine tout ce qui entoure,

When Liberty has no God, and no Sabbath day, and no heaven, and no hell, the Domine is not in favour of Liberty. He is uneasy for the country, and for his church; and if he could take his whole flock to heaven at once, that would please him most of all." "He is a good man. With you, last night, was a little maid a great beauty I thought her but I knew her not. Is she then a stranger?"

What's your pathronymic? quo nomine gowdes, Domine doctissime?" The lad was silent; but the farmer's wife turned up the whites of her eyes with an expression of wonder and surprise at the erudition of the "masther." "I persave you are as yet uninitiated into the elementary principia of the languages; well the honor is still before you. What's your name?" "James M'Evoy, sir."

On the platform was planted a huge banner, the blazon on the folds of which was a wooden cross, flanked by a branch of olive and a naked sword, the motto being, "Exurge, Domine, et judica causam tuam." Rise, Lord, and judge thy cause.

"But he will never get there, sir," said old Yeo, who had come upon deck to murmur his Nunc Domine, and gaze upon that sight beyond all human faith or hope: "Never, never will he weather the Flanders shore, against such a breeze as is coming up. Look to the eye of the wind, sir, and see how the Lord is fighting for His people!"

Then, recalling God's favor as shown to both Churches, the reply used those words which God's people have never forgotten to use in their joy and their prosperity and in reading them the voice of the venerable Bishop quivered with emotion "Non nobis, Domine, non nobis, sed Nomini Tuo da gloriam." The Rector of St.

His wife was so far gone in consumption, that they saw no hope of her recovery. 26th, Sunday. Domine Niewenhuyse being sick, there was no preaching yet to-day. 27th, Monday. We went to call upon Ephraim again, in order to speak to him particularly, but did not succeed in consequence of his being visited so much, the more so because his wife's sister was soon to be married. 28th, Tuesday.