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That may be; but in this superiority there is some infirmity. One may be immortal and yet limp: witness Vulcan. One may be more than man and less than man. There is incomplete immensity in nature. Who knows whether the sun is not a blind man? But then, what? In whom can we trust? Solem quis dicere falsum audeat? Who shall dare to say that the sun is false?

Yet in this arbitrary way Dean Graves and all his coadjutors set aside, one by one, the texts which point at the date of the Pentateuch. I was possessed with indignation. Oh sham science! Oh false-named Theology! O mihi tam longæ maneat pars ultima vitæ, Spiritus et, quantum sat erit tua dicere facta!

Yet to express "ce que tout le monde pense" which was Boileau's version of Horace's "propria communia dicere" is only part of the function of lyric poetry. To give the body of the time the form and pressure of individual feeling, of individual artistic mastery of the language of one's race and epoch; this, no less than the other, is the task and the opportunity of the lyric poet.

If any kind of malediction be justifiable, it is male dicere maledicis,—to speak evil to evil speakers, foras he loved cursing, so let it come unto him as he delighted not in blessing, so let it be far from him.” But he doth worse, and his title, with a transposition of letters, will more fitly reflect upon himself male dicis de amicus.

All this, no doubt, is broad caricature but "ridentem dicere verum quid vetat?" a motto which the colonel could not do better than adopt for any future edition of his eccentric lucubrations. And so Rookhsut!

LONDON, February 28, O. S. 1751. MY DEAR FRIEND: This epigram in Martial "Non amo te, Sabidi, nec possum dicere quare; Hoc tantum possum dicere, non amo te" Fell The reason why I cannot tell. But this I know and know full well: I do not love thee Dr. Fell." has puzzled a great many people, who cannot conceive how it is possible not to love anybody, and yet not to know the reason why.

"Delectant me gladii parvi, seu styli scriptorii, in quos plus viginti coronatis aureis impendi: multas etiam pecunias in varia pennarum genera, audeo dicere apparatum ad scribendum ducentis coronatis non potuisse emi." De Vita Propria, ch. xviii. p. 57. De Vita Propria, ch. iv. p. 15.

Henry remained obstinate in his assertions, notwithstanding all the envoy's protestations. "A fine trick, indeed, and unworthy of a king, 'Si dicere fas est," he wrote to Secretary of State Praets. "But the force of truth is such that he who spreads the snare always tumbles into the ditch himself."

In our passage Cic. seems to assume only one dictatorship. The story of Cincinnatus at the plough is told in Livy 3, 26. FACTUM: the technical term was dicere dictatorem, since he was nominated by the consul on the advice of the senate. DICTATORIS: in apposition with cuius.

And think of the London cockney's prefix of the letter h to innocent words beginning with a vowel having its prototype in the speech of the vulgar Roman, as may be seen in the verses of Catullus: Chommoda dicebat, siquando commoda vellet Dicere, et hinsidias Arrius insidias. Et tum mirifice sperabat se esse locutum, Cum quantum poterat, dixerat hinsidias...