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"A pilgrim of the Britons shall come and occupy there, and it shall be yours afterwards." "Deo gratias ago," said Patrick. Where Patrick went then was to Ard-Phadraig, on the east of Lughmadh, and he proposed to build an establishment there. The Dal-Runter went after him to keep him, as one presented him to another.

"I send you a sketch of the Morse coat of arms, according to your request, to do as you please with it. I am no advocate of heraldic devices, but the motto in this case sanctions it with me. I wish to live and die in its spirit: "'Deo non armis fido."

This is the story of Neela Deo, King of all elephants! Protector of the Innocent! Defender of Defenders! Equitable King! For his sake, knowledge of the place where he was known and of those who looked upon his person, shall go down from generation to generation into the future and shall be continued forever, under the illumination of his name.

'Indignus sum, sed dignus fui creari a Deo', &c. Although I am unworthy, yet nevertheless 'I have been' worthy, 'in that I am' created of God, &c. The translation does not give the true sense of the Latin.

So, by my skill in herbs and leechcraft, Roger, having a hole in his arm, recks not of it behold here he cometh, and Walkyn too, and Laus Deo! with a trout! Now shall we feast like any pampered prelate."

Kudrat Sharif salaamed again; and Neela Deo lifted him to his great neck and carried him away. Walking home, Horace expressed himself to his friend as the heart of a boy may be expressed; and Skag dropped his arm about the slender shoulders, speaking softly: "Remember, son, a little more would have been too much." "All right, Skag Sahib, because now you understand; but isn't he interesting?"

In silence he handed her down the rocky steps, plunging deeper among the hazels and rowan-trees; then pausing, he turned aside the luxuriant leaves of a tuft of hartstongue, and showed her, cut on a stone, veiled both by the verdure and the form of the rock, the letters Deo Gratias, L. F. 1847. 'I like that! was all that Mary's full heart allowed her to say.

And the skies opened, and there came forth angels, such as Hilarion had seen, with glories of solid gold round their heads, and garlands of roses about their necks, and they took hands and danced, and sang, flying up, "Gloria in Excelsis Deo." By The Stay-At-Home Traveller.

I stayed on top of Neela Deo once when he ran home. It was not good sitting. I've never cared for the experience again. "As the jungle began to open toward Hurda, he was nervous. Of course I should have been more alive to his behaviour should have made out what was disturbing him. If we lose him, I shall feel very much responsible.

Soon afterwards there came a boat with a flag to the admirals ship, a which was a person in the habit of a Franciscan friar, who was taken at first sight for one of those who had accompanied Ayres Correa, and who they supposed had remained a prisoner. On entering the ship, he saluted them, saying Deo gratias; but was immediately recognized as a Moor.