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Therefore, returning to the vast Throne-room, we animate it with one scene it witnessed on an April night in 1508. Duke Guidobaldo had died at Fossombrone, repeating to his friends around his bed these lines of Virgil: Me circum limus niger et deformis arundo Cocyti tardaque palus inamabilis unda Alligat, et novies Styx interfusa coercet.

So "semper marcida et deformis aspectu" lean and ill-looking was that famous mare, says the chronicler, that no one would suspect her splendid powers, or take her for anything but a potter's nag, when she was caparisoned in proper character. Hereward felt thoroughly at home in his part; as able to play the Englishman which he was by rearing, as the Frenchman which he was by education.

Therefore, returning to the vast Throne-room, we animate it with one scene it witnessed on an April night in 1508. Duke Guidobaldo had died at Fossombrone, repeating to his friends around his bed these lines of Virgil: Me circum limus niger et deformis arundo Cocyti tardaque palus inamabilis unda Alligat, et novies Styx interfusa coercet.

"Equi sine fraenis, deformis ipse cursus, rigida cervice et extento capite currentium." Livy, xxxv. Whoever gave these the title of Golden Epistles had another kind of opinion of them than I have.

Zech. x. 2; xiii. 2-4. "Sicut autem cuius pulchrum corpus et deformis est animus, magis dolendus est, quam si deforme haberet et corpus, ita qui eloquenter ea quæ falsa sunt dicunt, magis miserandi sunt, quam si talia deformiter dicerent." Even popularity honestly won may be a great snare.

Insulana vero, sive montana, ferma gens est et indomita, rudis et immorigerata, raptu capax, otium diligens, ingenio docilis et callida; forma spectabilis, sed amictu deformis; populo quidem Anglorum et linguae, sed et propriae nationi, propter linguarum diversitatem, infesta jugiter et crudelis.