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In passing, we ask ourselves whether Diderot's suggestion is not available in the discussion of certain questions, where freedom of speech in the vernacular tongue is scarcely compatible with the reverentia quæ debetur pueris?

There was a wise old heathen once, who said, "Maxima debetur pueris reverentia" The greatest reverence is due to children; that is, that grown people should never say or do anything wrong before children, lest they should set them a bad example. Cousin Cramchild says it means, "The greatest respectfulness is expected from little boys."

Warrington enter, he whispered "Maxima debetur" to the laughing country squire who sat next him in his drab coat and gold-laced red waistcoat, and rose up from his chair and ran, nay, stumbled forward, in his haste to greet the Virginian: "My dear sir, my very dear sir, my conqueror of spades, and clubs, and hearts, too, I am delighted to see your honour looking so fresh and well," cries the chaplain.

Maxima debetur puero reverentia. Give him my compliments. I don't know his highly respectable name. His highly respectable name," says Clive, cracking with laughter "those were his very words. 'And inform him that I am an orphan myself in needy circumstances' he said he was in needy circumstances; 'and I heartily wish he'd adopt me."

Now, do not Papists place worship in their cross and crucifix? yet do they place no holiness in it per se, but only per aliud, in respect of Christ crucified thereby represented, and they tell us, that creaturae insensibili non debetur honor vel reverentia, nisi ratione rationalis naturae; and that they give no religious respect unto the tree whereon Christ was crucified, the nails, garments, spear, manger, &c., but only quantum ad rationem contactus membrorum Christi.

Maxima debetur pueris reverentia, and still more to damsels; but if boys and girls will never go where they will hear more to injure them than they will usually do amidst the ordinary conversation of a hunting field, the maxima reverentia will have been attained.

Magna debetur pueris reverentia. Quintilian. I am more doubtful in writing the following Essay than in any of those which precede, how far I am treating of human nature generally, or to a certain degree merely recording my own feelings as an individual.