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He had the hour when the gang would assemble, and he determined upon one of the most dramatic of denouements. Oscar stole down the stairs. He passed to the door of the room and summoned Credo. To the man he said: "Credo, your fortune is made, unless " "I understand.

The church clocks in San Francisco were striking ten. The Devil, who had been flying over the city that evening, just then alighted on the roof of a church near the corner of Bush and Montgomery streets. It will he perceived that the popular belief that the Devil avoids holy edifices, and vanishes at the sound of a credo or paternoster, is long since exploded.

"But let us be cautious," continued the priest, "not to deceive ourselves as do some, who fancy themselves sound, and yet are diseased; who mix up the suggestions of the carnal understanding with heavenly promptings. Said not holy St. Augustine, credo quia impossibile et? There are minds too shallow to perceive the profound wisdom of the maxim, and scoff at it as an absurdity.

"No that is wrong!" Renault, standing beside the bed, his arms folded across his breast, looked up from the dead child straight into the woman's eyes. "That is false!" he cried with sudden passion. "Life is GOOD all of it for every one." He held her eyes with his glance while his words reverberated through her being like the CREDO of a new faith.

But while our sensitive cousin across the water would pin us down to a credo as absurd as that of Tertullian, and hedge us in with the adamantine wall of his own lordly fiat, let us, who fondly hope we have a literature, whose principal defect a defect to which the one infallible remedy is daily applied by the winged mower is youth, inquire into its leading characteristics, seeing if haply we may descry the elements of a golden maturity.

I have been through Provence; I have seen Africa; I have visited Asia to see, in Ceylon, in a darkened room, my poor girl, sitting motionless, with her wonderful hair about her, looking at me with eyes that did not see me, and saying distinctly: "Credo in unum Deum omnipotentem.... Credo in unum Deum omnipotentem."

Oh, if this be star-eyed science, give us anything in place of it! Blear-eyed bigotry in his cloistered den, mumbling unintelligible prayers, and believing that man is to be saved, not by what he does, but by a credo only, is far preferable to it. But oh, how unspeakably preferable the simple faith of the star-led Magi, who

Have they bewitched thee, Ambrose?" Ambrose laughed merrily. "Not so. It is holy lore that those good men are reading." "Nay now, Ambrose. Stand still if thou canst, poor fellow," he muttered, and then made the sign of the cross three times over his brother, who stood smiling, and said, "Art satisfied Stevie? Or wilt have me rehearse my Credo?"

Morality certainly develops far earlier in the form of moral fact than in the form of moral ideas, and it is obvious that ideas only operate upon the popular mind through will and character, and must be dramatized before they reach the mass of men, even as the biography of the saints have been after all "the main guide to the stumbling feet of thousands of Christians to whom the Credo has been but mysterious words."

"Nobody clings more frantically to illusions than your unbaked cynic; Louis, you're not nearly such a devil of a fellow as you imagine you are." Malcourt smiled easily and looked out over the waves. "Cynicism is old-fashioned," he said; "dogma is up to date. Credo! I believe in a personal devil, virtuous maidens in bowers, and rosewood furniture. As for illusions I cherish as many as you do!"