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Believe me, they did not spare you; the former, you have grievously offended; you know that he has quarrelled irremediably with his son Dartmore, and he insists that you are the friend and abettor of that ingenuous youth, in all his debaucheries and extravagance tu illum corrumpi sinis.

Et sciatis me quandoque in tempore opportuno ab eis interrogasse de his signis, qui responderunt quod inclinare caput Domino ad illius horae momentum, foret confirmatio omnibus diebus vitae suae, ad obediendum ipsi et fidelitatem obseruandam imperio, nec posse corrumpi promissionibus siue donis, quodque digitum in auricula imponere, obturatio est auditus contra omnia Imperatori, et Imperio contraria.

The exaggeration of the sentiment is more marked than in any of his other writings; thus the fine outburst, Nemo illic vitia ridet, nec corrumpere et corrumpi seculum vocatur, concludes a passage in which he gravely suggests that the invention of writing is fatal to moral innocence; and though he is candid enough to note the qualities of laziness and drunkenness which the Germans shared with other half-barbarous races, he glosses over the other quality common to savages, want of feeling, with the sounding and grandiose commonplace, expressed in a phrase of characteristic force and brevity, feminis lugere honestum est, viris meminisse.

Believe me, they did not spare you; the former, you have grievously offended; you know that he has quarrelled irremediably with his son Dartmore, and he insists that you are the friend and abettor of that ingenuous youth, in all his debaucheries and extravagance tu illum corrumpi sinis.