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Tho. I, Sir, that is a kind of killing which I thought very necessary for a Captaine. Un. Tho. I wod not lett any shott scape mee. Un. Shakespeares Workes. Why Shakespeares Workes? Tho. I had nothing for the pikemen before. Un. They are plays. Tho. Are not all your musterings in the Countrey so, Sir? Pray, read on. Un. Bellarmines Controversie in six tomes. Tho.

Besides, if any one, or more of them, pretend a breach of the Covenant made by the Soveraigne at his Institution; and others, or one other of his Subjects, or himselfe alone, pretend there was no such breach, there is in this case, no Judge to decide the controversie: it returns therefore to the Sword again; and every man recovereth the right of Protecting himselfe by his own strength, contrary to the designe they had in the Institution.

More fully its title was Scripture and Reason Pleaded for Defensive Armes: or the whole Controversie about Subjects taking up Armes. It was, in fact, an elaborate proof, from Scripture and Reason, of the right of the English Parliament and People to make war upon the King. Doubtless Milton had ascertained that Palmer was its chief author: hence, rather unnecessarily, his taunt.

The Seventeenth, No Man Is His Own Judge And seeing every man is presumed to do all things in order to his own benefit, no man is a fit Arbitrator in his own cause: and if he were never so fit; yet Equity allowing to each party equall benefit, if one be admitted to be Judge, the other is to be admitted also; & so the controversie, that is, the cause of War, remains, against the Law of Nature.

But to return, I think the Controversie, in short, is this: Whether the Allowance of a Theatre in a Christian Country, is consisting with the Christian Religion. The Answer to this Question may be this: That whatever is approved by lawful Authority, and is not against any positive revealed Law of God, is consisting with the Christian Religion.

For my own part, I have ever regarded our Inns of Courts as Nurseries of Statesmen and Law-givers, which makes me often frequent that Part of the Town with great Pleasure. Upon my calling in lately at one of the most noted Temple Coffee-houses, I found the whole Room, which was full of young Students, divided into several Parties, each of which was deeply engaged in some Controversie.

Of greater Moment in the Investigation of the Nature of Colours is the Controversie, Whether those of the Rain-bow, and those that are often seen in Clouds, before the Rising, or after the Setting of the Sun; and in a word, Whether those other Colours, that are wont to be call'd Emphatical, ought or ought not to be accounted True Colours.

Nor could St. Paul himself have been saved, much lesse have been so great a Doctor of the Church so suddenly, that never perhaps thought of Transsubstantiation, nor Purgatory, nor many other Articles now obtruded. From Formall And Cleer Texts The fourth Argument is taken from places expresse, and such as receive no controversie of Interpretation; as first, John 5. 39.

The Power Ecclesiasticall Is But The Power To Teach Cardinall Bellarmine in his third generall Controversie, hath handled a great many questions concerning the Ecclesiasticall Power of the Pope of Rome; and begins with this, Whether it ought to be Monarchicall, Aristocraticall, or Democraticall. All which sorts of Power, are Soveraign, and Coercive.

The Eighteenth, No Man To Be Judge, That Has In Him Cause Of Partiality And thus also the controversie, and the condition of War remaineth, contrary to the Law of Nature. The Nineteenth, Of Witnesse These are the Lawes of Nature, dictating Peace, for a means of the conservation of men in multitudes; and which onely concern the doctrine of Civill Society.