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Cicero's definition of philosophy is well known "the knowledge of things divine and human and of the causes in which these things are contained," rerum divinarum et humanarum, causarumque quibus res continentur; but in reality these causes are, for us, ends. And what is the Supreme Cause, God, but the Supreme End? The "why" interests us only in view of the "wherefore."

Et hoc proculdubio sciendum, quod in nostris partibus rara sint oppida cum pluribus mansionibus, quam in isto palatio continentur. Tota aestate moratur in India terra frigidissima, in hyeme in Cambalu. Odericus. Praeter palatium hoc in Caydo, habet Imperator similiter tria: vnum in ciuitate Sadus, versus Septentrionem, vbi competens est frigus, ibi moratur in aestate.

'You are not going alone, are you? said Baruch. 'May I not go with you, and cannot we both come back for your sister? 'It is very kind of you. Clara looked up from her desk, watched them as they went out at the door and, for a moment, seemed lost. Barnes turned round. 'Now, Miss Hopgood. She started. 'Yes, sir. 'Fabricius, J. A. Bibliotheca Ecclesiastica in qua continentur.

That shocking sight, after a sharp fit as though a demon were going out of him, as he rolled on the turf of the cloister to which he had fled alone from the suffocating church, where the crowd still awaited the Procession of the relics and the Mass De reliquiis quae continentur in Ecclesiis, seemed indeed to have cured the madness of Denys, but certainly did not restore his gaiety.

That shocking sight, after a sharp fit as though a demon were going out of him, as he rolled on the turf of the cloister to which he had fled alone from the suffocating church, where the crowd still awaited the Procession of the relics and the Mass De reliquiis quae continentur in Ecclesiis, seemed indeed to have cured the madness of Denys, but certainly did not restore his gaiety.

I am a vagabond, a thief, a sharper, a man of the knife, anything you please; and I am all that already, monsieur, King of Thunes, for I am a philosopher; et omnia in philosophia, omnes in philosopho continentur, all things are contained in philosophy, all men in the philosopher, as you know." The King of Thunes scowled. "What do you take me for, my friend?