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Organization of the Provinces -Commercium- Property Autonomy This difference in the supreme administrative power was the essential distinction between the transmarine and continental possessions. The principles on which Rome had organized the dependent lands in Italy, were in great part transferred also to the extra-Italian possessions.

Finally a compromise was reached in the words "in quibus ante bellum fuit commercium, juxta et secundum usum et observantiam." This article was renewed in Cottington's Treaty of 1630.

The crest an anchor winged, I think it is, and the motto too tedious: "Regio floret, patrocinio commercium, commercioque Regnum."

They were also less exposed than the Romans and Latins to the aggressions of the great possessor; for, since they possessed no commercium with Rome, the annexation of their property by legal means was beyond the reach even of the ingenious cupidity of the times. The proof of the existence of the yeoman in these regions is the danger which he caused to Rome.

Had they done so, they would merely have added a diplomatic folly to the political effrontery. III. II. The War on the Coasts of Sicily and Sardinia III. VIII. Changes in Procedure II. I. Restrictions on the Delegation of Powers Because there was no -commercium- between the different towns, it by no means follows that there was no -concilium-.

II. IV. Victories of Salamis and Himera, and Their Effects I. X. Phoenicians and Italians in Opposition to the Hellenes Their -conubium- with the Carthaginians is mentioned by Diodorus, xx. 55; the -commercium- is implied in the "like laws." In substance the word "Liby-phoenicians" was used by the Carthaginians not as a national designation, but as a category of state-law.

A time-honored English maxim declares: "Est prohibitum habere commercium cum inimicis." When Great Britain attempted to enforce these recognized prohibitions against trading with the enemy it was found difficult to show that the suspected ships had in reality had dealings with the public enemy or with its agents.

Others, such as Volaterrae and Arretium, were deprived of all privileges except that of Commercium or the right of trade. One of his centurions, named Luscius, bought an estate for 10,000,000 sesterces, or 88,540l. of our money. One of his freedmen bought for 20l. 12s. an estate worth 61,000l. Crassus, Verres, and Sulla's wife, Metella, became in this way infamously rich.

By virtue of this commercium, phenomena, in so far as they are apart from, and nevertheless in connection with each other, constitute a compositum reale. Such composita are possible in many different ways. The three dynamical relations then, from which all others spring, are those of inherence, consequence, and composition. These, then, are the three analogies of experience.

Political rights had reference to the right of voting in the comitia; but this was not considered the essence of citizenship, which was the enjoyment of the connubium, and commercium. By the former the citizen could contract a valid marriage and acquire the rights resulting from it, particularly the paternal power; by the latter he could acquire and dispose of property.