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It appears from Rymer's Foedera, that the very first act of Richard's reign is dated from quadam altera camera juxta capellam in hospitio dominae Ceciliae ducissae Eborum. It does not look much as if he had publicly accused his mother of adultry, when he held his first council at her house.

Torva leaena lupum sequitur, lupus ipse capellam; Florentem cytisum sequitur lasciva capella. VIRG. Eccl. ii. v. 63. The greedy lioness the wolf pursues, The wolf the kid, the wanton kid the browse.

Obitus Domini Edmundi Audeley, quondam Sarum Episcopi, qui dedit redditum XX. Solidorum distribuendorum Canonicis et Clericis in anniversario suo presentibus, quique capellam novam juxta Feretrum Sancti Thomae Confessoris e fundo construxit, et in eadem Cantariam perpetuam amortizavit, etc.

The next morning at 8 A.M. the sub-master of the ceremonies rings a bell at the door of each cell; at half-past eight he rings again; and at nine a third time, adding in a loud voice the summons, "In capellam Domini!"

According to Stubbs, Thoresby provided tombs for six of his predecessors, and placed them in the choir in front of the lady chapel that is to say, in the presbytery. He also says that Idem Archiepiscopus ... Capellam ... Virginis Mariae Mirabili arte Sculpturae atque notabili pictura peregit.