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The laurels which his clerk had won made the vice-palatine jealous. "Audiat," he said, in a reproving tone, "you ought to learn that a young person should speak only when spoken to; indeed, as the learned Professor Hatvani says, even then it is not necessary to answer all questions." But the company around the dinner-table did not share these views.

"Quite!" The count nodded a farewell to the youthful jurist without even inquiring his name; nor did Audiat venture to propound a like question to his future employer. Bernat bácsi did not, as he had promised, return to the manor to tell the baroness the result of his visit. He drove direct to his home.

For the legislator must secure public order by PRINCIPLES and LAWS: he does not wait for unforeseen facts to arise in order that he may drive them back with an arbitrary hand. Qui habet aures audiendi audiat!

Father Beret, suave looking and quiet, occupied himself at the little altar, apparently altogether indifferent to what was being said; but he lost not a word of the talk. "Qui habet aures audiendi, audiat," he inwardly repeated, smiling blandly. "Gaudete in illa die, et exultate!"

A maid, in those days, was very easily distinguished from her married sister. The latter was never seen without a cap. "A young girl not more than fifteen, I should say," was the reply. "A cap would not suit her face." "Ha, ha, ha!" laughed Bernat bácsi. "And this enchanting fairy opened the window to show her lovely face to Audiat!"

When you want him just say: 'Audiat! He is one of those persons of whom Cziraky said: 'My lad, don't trouble yourself to inquire where you shall seat yourself at table; for wherever you sit will always be the lowest place!" This anecdote caused "Audiat" to draw back his head and seek to make himself invisible.

Here the surveyor managed to express his belief that the reason the lady wore a veil was because of the repulsiveness of her face. At this, a voice that had not yet been heard said, at the lower end of the table: "But the lady is one the most beautiful creatures I ever saw and quite young." Every eye was turned toward the speaker. "What? Audiat?

If only I had my pipe! A man is only half a man without his pipe. A pipe inspires one with ideas. Where, I wonder, is that Audiat gadding?" At this moment the clerk opened the door. "Fetch our luggage, Audiat; we are going to leave this damned lunatic asylum. The Herr Count may see to it then how he renews his lease." Hereupon he kicked off the socks with such vigor that the very castle shook.