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I've learned from them how courageous a man may be when the need for sacrifice comes. Sit down, Burleigh, and let me tell you something." They sat down on the low seat beside the dome windows. Overhead gleamed the message of high courage, Ad Astra Per Aspera. Below was the artistic beauty of the rotunda, where the evening shadows were deepening. "We are higher than we were that other day.

Vandenhoff, with great good taste, attended on Sir Walter Scott's right and left, and we know that he has expressed himself much gratified by their anxious politeness and sedulity. Sic itur ad astra. "This is the path to heaven."

He strove to induce the authorities to permit even a small vessel to be built, but in vain. He then approached the French Astra Company. His ambition was to build a vessel as large as the current Zeppelin, merely to emphasise the value of his improvement upon a sufficiently large scale, and to enable comparative data concerning the two designs to be obtained.

Still I rejoice with humility at feeling myself, in that order of understandings which, although utterly incapable of following the chain of your reasonings, calculations, and inductions utterly deprived of the powers necessary sic itur ad astra am yet informed, enlightened, and entertained with the series of sublime truths to which you conduct me.

Here among the litter of tattered pamphlets and well-thumbed "Proceedings" of the Linnean and the Aeronautic Society of Great Britain here were Fredericus Hermannus' "De Arte Volandi," and Cayley's works, and Hatton Turner's "Astra Castra," and the "Voyage to the Moon" of Cyrano de Bergerac, and Bishop Wilkins's "Dædalus," and the same sanguine prelate's "Mercury, The Secret Messenger."

Deeply moved, she put it on her finger; but Andreas pointed to the motto, and said with failing utterance: "That is your road and mine my father's motto: Per aspera ad astra. It has guided me to my goal, and you all of you. But the words are in Latin; you understand them?

Per aspera ad astra: there is no easy road or short cut to collective, spiritual progress. I am not arguing against possible "acts of grace" working on individuals, but the uplift of a race, a class or even a congregation cannot be done by a sort of spiritual legerdemain based on hypnotic suggestion.

Trench caught him in a powerful grip and shoved him to the foot of the rotunda stairs. "No,-you re-not-going-to-the-whirlpool," he said, slowly. "You're going up to the top of the dome right against that Ad Astra per Aspera business up there, and open the west window and look out at the world the Lord made to heal hurt souls by looking at.

The mate stood on the bowsprit, his tall grey figure slashing up and down against the stars, and still 'nihil astra praeter Vidit et undas. The rest of us were grouped at the port anchor davit, staring with no less assiduity, but with far less hope on the obscure horizon.

However, it is better to sink this; say nothing about me when you pray, for, to tell you I truth, I believe you have as much influence above super astra as I have. There is one argument which I am anxious to press upon you. It is a very simple but a very respectable one after all. I am not all Ireland. You will find excellent good husbands even in this parish.