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Of primary value are Napoleon's "Correspondance," official edition, and the unofficial edited by Beauvais. Hueffer: Ungedruckte Briefe Napoleon's in the Archiv für Oest. Geschichte, Vol. XLIX. Of value are also the memoirs of Marmont, Masséna, and Desgenettes, of Landrieux in Revue du Cercle Militaire, 1887.

L. Meyer asserts that the ears of man are more variable in form than those of a woman. 'Archiv fur Path. The conclusions recently arrived at by Dr. J. Stockton Hough, on the temperature of man, are given in the 'Pop. Sci.

Published by Reumont in Archiv. Stor. Ital. Serie 3, T. xvii, 1873. 3 Dispensa. Era venuto il primo marito de la dicta nepote, qual fu rimesso a Napoli, non visto da niuno.... Despatch of Gianandrea Boccaccio, Bishop of Modena, Rome, November 2, 1492, and November 5 and 9. Archives of Modena. Despatch of that date in the archives of Mantua.

This record of Norwegian folk-lore is translated from a little work Sundalen og Öksendalens Beskrivelse written by Pastor Chr. Glükstad and published at Christiania "about twenty years ago." Prof. VI. Titelbach, "Das heilige Feuer bei den Balkanslaven," Inter-nationales Archiv für Ethnographie, xiii. pp. 2 sq. As to the need-fire in Bulgaria see also below, pp. 284 sq.

The Danish philosophy of the nineteenth century has been described by Höffding in the second volume of the Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie, 1888. Opzoomer favors empiricism. He starts from Mill and Comte, but goes beyond them in important points, and assigns faith a field of its own beside knowledge.

When he came home, fagged out and dusty, at dinner time, Marietta presented a visiting card to him, on her handsomest salver. She presented it with a flourish that was almost a swagger. Twice the size of an ordinary visiting-card, the fashion of it was roughly thus: IL CARDLE UDESCHINI Sacr: Congr: Archiv: et Inscript: Praef: Palazzo Udeschini.

The Wolffian, Eberhard of Halle, founded a special journal for the purpose of opposing the Kantian philosophy: the Philosophisches Magazin, 1789, continued from 1792 as the Philosophisches Archiv. The Illumination collected its forces in the Philosophische Bibliothek, edited by Feder and Meiners.

The element of repose, of unity, hinted at in the "effortless" of the first sentence, disappears in the second. The organs of apprehension are evidently limited to the eye alone. It is not the perfect moment of stimulation and repose for the whole organism which is aimed at, but the complete sensuous experience of the spatial, again. <1> Th. A. Meyer, "Das Formprinzip des Schouen," Archiv. f.

Pünjer, Geschichte der christl. Religionsphilosophie, 2 vols. 1880-83. M. Jastrow, The Study of Religion, 1901. L. H. Jordan, Comparative Religion, its Origin and Growth, 1905. Revue de l'histoire des religions, edited by M. J. Réville. Archiv für Religionswissenschaft, edited by Alb. Dieterich. Reinach, Orpheus, Histoire Générale des Religions, 1909.

In von Graefe's Archiv there is a record of a man of seventy-five who suffered complete avulsion of the eye by a cart-wheel passing over his head. Verhaeghe records complete avulsion of the eye caused by a man falling against the ring of a sharp-worn key. Hamill describes the case of a young girl whose conjunctiva was pierced by one of the rests of an ordinary gas-bracket.