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And in another piece the hearers are expected to understand the following description -Quadrupes tardigrada agrestis humilis aspera, Capite brevi, cervice anguina, aspectu truci, Eviscerata inanima cum animali sono-. To which they naturally reply -Ita saeptuosa dictione abs te datur, Quod conjectura sapiens aegre contuit; Non intellegimus, nisi si aperte dixeris-.

JEEVES: Precisely, sir. SELF: Seems ages since I went away. JEEVES: Yes, sir. SELF: Have a good time at Ascot? JEEVES: Most agreeable, sir. SELF: Win anything? JEEVES: Quite a satisfactory sum, thank you, sir. SELF: Good. Well, Jeeves, what news on the Rialto? Anybody been phoning or calling or anything during my abs.? JEEVES: Mr. Fink-Nottle, sir, has been a frequent caller. I stared.

"You are going to play me a nice trick," said Carwash, "and for my part I tell you plainly that I won't bet more than twenty camels; the man whose horse loses shall pay this forfeit." The matter was arranged accordingly. They sat at table until nightfall, and then rested. The next day Carwash left his tent at early morn, went to the tribe of Abs, to find Cais, whom he told about the wager.

His. 1, 25: conscientiam facinoris; Cic. Cat. 1. 1: omnium horum conscientia. The sentiment of both passages is just and fine. Sapientiae professoribus. Philosophers, who were banished by Domitian, A.D. 94, on the occasion of Rusticus's panegyric on Thrasea. T. not unfrequently introduces an additional circumstance by the abl. abs., as here. Ne occurreret.

When the stars had risen the holy Herhor left the feast, and soon after some of the highest dignitaries slipped out also. About midnight the following worthy persons met in a subterranean chamber of the temple of Amon: the high priests Herhor, Mefres, and Mentezufis, the chief judge of Thebes, also the chiefs of the provinces of Abs, Horti, and Emsuchs.

Meanwhile one of the horsemen of the tribe of Fazarah said to his neighbors: "Kinsmen, you may rest assured that there is going to be a breach between the tribe of Abs and that of Fazarah, as a result of this race between Dahir and Ghabra. The two tribes, you must know, will be mutually estranged, for King Cais has been there in person; now he is a prince and the son of a prince.

Abl. abs.==when lighter offences are committed; or abl. of circum.==in case of lighter offences. Pro modo poenarum. Such is the reading of all the MSS. Pro modo, poena is an ingenious conjecture of Acidalius. But it is unnecessary.

I had to set with my arms folded eight hours a day in school when I was a boy, to learn the little I know, an' wife she got her edjercation the same way. An' we went clean thoo f'om the a-b abs an' e-b ebs clair to the end o' the blue-back speller.

Equidem minime miror, si quando es in privatos dicatior, cum in ipsos principes tam facile inveharis, et tamen nullius injuria, aut vitae contumelia facit, ut tam sis promptus, aut copiosus in eorum objurgationem. Novi nonnullos qui abs te excipi deberent ab reliquorum caterva viri docti, egregii, omnique laude et commendatione dignissimi.

Abl. abs. denoting an additional circumstance. Cf. 2: expulsis professoribus, note. Olim limits victis. XII. Honestior. The reverse was true in the Trojan War. Factionibus trahuntur==distrahuntur in factiones. Dr., and Or. T. is fond of using simple for compound verbs. Civitatibus. Dat. for Gen. Pro nobis. Abl. with prep. for dat. Enallage. R. Conventus. Convention, meeting. Coelum foedum.