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Foule bigarrée, ondoyante et diverse, vétérans du Yukon et Chi-Cha-Kos, soldats de la police montée en uniforme rouge ou chocolat, femmes et filles des chercheurs d'or en bloomers ou en jupon court et en bottes, et aussi femmes fardées, de ces painted women dont parle Macaulay. Leur caractère n'est pas toujours des plus aimables, s'il faut en croire la chronique; en effet, nous lisons aux dernières nouvelles de Dawson qu'un incendie considérable y a réduit en cendres une quarantaine de bâtiments du Front Street, le 14 octobre au matin, et que la cause du sinistre a été qu'une certaine Miss Belle M. de l'Arbre Vert, s'étant prise de querelle avec une amie, lui avait, en guise d'argument, lancé

For Mme. de La Fayette, though belonging wholly to the young Court, took no part in the intrigues and factions of the royal household. It is this Court life, which, under guise of that of Henry II., is described in La Princesse de Clèves: "There were so many interests and so many intrigues in which women took part that love was always mingled with politics and politics with love.

The women themselves were somewhat reassured by his resolute attitude and approached the cage. 10. Say no more.

Since the minaret is high and from the top the muezzin has a view of the roofs of the houses where the Mohammedan women spend a great deal of the time, blind men are sought for this office découpant ... dans: 'his white shadow standing out against. 63 6 chantant la gloire d'Allah: cf. note to 92 1. 63 chapter heading On ... Tarascon. 'our Tarascon correspondent writes us.

After a desperate struggle a man broke through the crowd. 2. Tartarin himself was rolling on the ground. 3. He shook himself and sat down all out of breath. 4. As soon as he received the letter, he put aside the Arabs with a gesture. 5. What under the sun have you done? 6. You are mistaken; you are not a laughing-stock to the women and children. 7.

Then, too, the women who belonged to each one of them, were jealous of one another, either about their chances of advancement, or about their lovers; often, too, their interests were complicated by other pettier, but no less important, questions."

Signal, and then get in. 2. You would have done better not to go to the city on foot. 3. Tartarin got into the first omnibus that passed. 4. He perceived that there was a sailor at the back of the omnibus smoking cigarettes. 5. Opposite him there were some young Moorish women whose eyes he could not see. 6. The one who was sitting there thought she noticed that he was looking at her. 7.

[Note 17: «Louisbourg is a little place and has but one casement in it, hardly big enough to hold the women. Our artillery made havock among them (the garrison) and soon opened the rempart: in two days more we should certainly have, carried it. If this force had been properly managed, there was an end of the french colony in North America, in one campaign, for we have exclusive of seamen and mariners, near to forty thousand men in armsLettre du général Wolfe

[Note 488: «Women of prayer, large-minded and self-denying», dit celle dont j'aime