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I strode happily into the courtyard of the Tre Croci, and presently had my expectation confirmed for I found my fellow, a faithful rogue I got in Rome on a Cardinal's recommendation, hot in dispute with a lady's maid. The woman was old, harsh-featured no Italian clearly, though she spoke fluently in the tongue. She rated my man like a pickpocket, and the dispute was over a room.

Then we will eat something and we will start for home." The boy darted away towards the watercourse. His heart was light again. He had something to do for the signora, something that would make her very happy. Ah, when she heard the clock playing the "Tre Colori"! Mamma mia! He tore towards the watercourse in an agony lest he should be too late. Night was falling over the fair.

The modern writer Nicola Leoni is likewise a child of Morano; his voluminous "Della Magna Grecia e delle Tre Calabrie" appeared in 1844-1846. He, too, devotes much space to the praises of his natal city, and to lamentations regarding the sad condition of Calabrian letters during those dark years. "Closed for ever is the academy of Amantea! Closed for ever is the academy of Rossano!

When alone, he drank a glass or two of small claret or hock, and when utterly exhausted at night, a single glass of grog; which when I mixed it for him I lowered to what sailors call "water bewitched," and he never made any remark. I once, to try him, omitted the alcohol; he then said, "Tre, have you not forgotten the creature comfort?" I then put in two spoonfuls, and he was satisfied.

Instead of being at all annoyed or disconcerted at the mirth of his class-mates, the youngster seemed rather to enjoy the joke, and immediately rattled out a semi-humorous reply to the master's question, "D I G, dig; G O R Y, gory Diggory: T R E, tre; VAN, van; O C K, ock Trevanock."

I can't stand that, I must have one STRAX directly forstoede?" "Ja! Ja!" and the fellow rubbed his eyes and yawned again. "Look here! my friend," said I, "if you'll get me a horse and cariole in half an hour, I'll give you two marks extra forstoe?" "Ja! "Half an hour, mind you!" "Tre time three hours!" grunted the incorrigible dunderhead.

The Cornish Coat of Arms hung over the chairman's table, while the chorus of the old Cornish song: And shall they scorn Tre, Pol, and Pen, And shall Trelawney die? Then twenty thousand Cornishmen Will know the reason why. was printed in large letters, and hung in a prominent place. At the back of the platform some one had written, "Cornwall has never failed her country yet.

"We're Cornish to the backbone Cornish born and bred, if ever there were Cornishmen. Every man of my ancestors was a Tre, Pol, or Pen, to the tenth generation backward; and I'm descended from the Bassets, too the Bassets of Tehidy. You must have heard of the Bassets in Cornish history. They owned St. Michael's Mount before these new-fangled St. Aubyn people." "It's Lord St. Levan's now, isn't it?"

Some years later my informant again found himself warmly accosted by the prepossessing young cabdriver. "Ah, caro signore," he exclaimed, "sono cinque anni che non lo vedo tre anni di militare, e due anni di disgrazia," &c. Of moral sense he showed not so much as a trace.

Dooe saltee and tray saltee differ little but in spelling from their Italian originals, due soldi and tre soldi. On another page we find molto cattivo transmogrified into "multee kertever, very had." Very bad, indeed! For one more good thing beside the Bibliography, we are indebted to the "London Antiquary."