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Some of the North American aboriginal nations celebrate a propitiatory feast to the manes of the intended victim before they commence a bear hunt; and the Norwegian peasantry have not only retained an old proverb which ascribes to the same animal "ti Maends Styrke og tolo Maends Vid," ten men's strength and twelve men's cunning, but they still pay to him something of the reverence with which ancient superstition invested him.

Tolo, the chief town of the island, inhabited by twenty-five thousand souls, was entirely converted, together with Momoya.

"Hullo! said I. 'Spaniards? "'Puf! Hamid grinned at the flag and spat. 'A Captain Marquinez inhabits there, with four Manila men and their wives. He is a sensible fellow, and does no harm, and if it pleases him to hoist that toy on a bamboo, he is welcome. "'They claim the island, then? "'What matters it if they claim? There was a letter once came to us from the Spanish Governor in Tolo.

They are smaller here than in the countries farther south. At the Limpopo, for instance, they are upward of twelve feet high; here, only eleven: farther north we shall find them nine feet only. The koodoo, or tolo, seemed smaller, too, than those we had been accustomed to see. We discovered an entirely new species of antelope, called leche or lechwi.

Indeed, its coast line is so irregular and so deeply indented by the three great gulfs or bays of Tomini, Tolo, and Boni that it is small wonder that the first European explorers assumed it was a group of islands and gave it the name of plural form which still perpetuates the very natural mistake.

He never changed places till he had left behind him a solid establishment of faith, and capable of preserving itself on its own basis. And in effect, of all the countries which he made Christian, there is none to be found which relapsed into idolatry, excepting only the town of Tolo; and not that neither for any long continuance.

Then Maataanoa, small stones. Then Maunga, mountains. Then Maunga married Malaeliua, or changeable meeting-place, and had a daughter called Fasiefu, piece of dust. She married Lave i fulufulu tolo, or down of the sugar-cane flower, and to her was born three sons: Mua, first; Uso, brother; Talu, and their sister Sulitonu, or true heir.