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They commonly divide their subject into regular heads, called thoy, and usually specify the number they mean to enlarge upon; saying Epu thoygei tamen piavin, "what I am going to say is divided into two heads."

Regi tamen et regno fidelis et obediens, nec non faciliter legibus subdita, si regatur.... Scotica gens ea ab initio est quae quondam in Hibernia fuit, et ei similis per omnia, lingua, moribus, et natura." Scoti-chronicon, Bk. ii, ch. ix.

As I love the old man, I take delight in complying with every thing that is agreeable to him, and accordingly waited on him to the coffee-house, where his venerable figure drew upon us the eyes of the whole room. No. 329. Ire tamen restat, Numa quo devenit, et Ancus. HOR. Ep. vi. 1. i. ver. 27. With Ancus, and with Numa, kings of Rome, We must descend into the silent tomb.

"Extraordinary! Most extraordinary! However, each house has its traditions, with which I would not for the world interfere. We have a prejudice in favor of washing. Go on, Beetle from 'jugurtha tamen' and, if you can, avoid the more flagrant forms of guessing." Prout's house was furious because Macrea's and Hartopp's houses joined King's to insult them.

Et quanquam ad pulcherrimum hoc opus evertendum, tres illi Dii conspirabunt, CHRONUS, VULCANUS, et PATER ipse gentis. Non tamen annorum series, non flamma, nec ensis; AEternum potuit hoc abolere Decus.

That it must come in the United States, sooner or later, seems to be a foregone conclusion, as the result of natural law lex dura, sed tamen lex a hard pill, but one which must be swallowed.

And when he had read the writers of that age, who promised some reformation and repurgation of superstitious worships and absurd opinions, he saith, Mire illorum institutum placuit: qui tamen ita superstitiones et abusiones, quae nonnullis ceremoniis ecclesiasticis admixtae erant, exosas haberem ut ipsum ecclesiasticam politiam, quae his ceremoniis fere constant, non sublatum et eversam, sed repurgatam et emendatam esse vellum.

But when you return, ... if you succeed in reading the Empedoclea of Sallustius, I shall regard you as a hero, yet scarcely human. "has been beheaded with the axe of Tenes," mythical founder and legislator of Tenedos, whose laws were of Draconian severity. I have translated the reading multæ tamen artis, which has been changed by some to multæ etiam artis.

Ambo tamen credens atque confitens.... "And now this last verse: Peto quod petivit latro poenitens! "What a cry! Ah, but it is beautiful! It is beautiful! What words to say in dying! And what did the poor thief ask, that Dixmas of whom the church has made a saint for that one appeal: 'Remember me, Lord, in Thy kingdom! But we have arrived. Stoop, that you may not spoil your hat.

Mirabilis est ergo Deus maxime in illo, quod ipse solus sufficit sibi: et mirabilis in altis Dominus, hoc est, in coelo et in coelestibus: sed et mirabilis in terris, et in terrestribus: tamen si verum indicauerimus, nihil est mirabile, quod mirum videri non debet, si ille qui omnipotens est, fecit quaecunque voluit in coelo et in terra.