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But when Seron, who was general of the army of Celesyria, heard that many had joined themselves to Judas, and that he had about him an army sufficient for fighting, and for making war, he determined to make an expedition against him, as thinking it became him to endeavor to punish those that transgressed the king's injunctions.

The Jews gained here their first victory, and Judas killed Apollonius, took his sword, and fought all his other battles with it. Next came a captain called Seron, who went out to the hills to lay hold of the bold rebels that dared to rise against the King of Syria. The place where Judas met him was one to make the Jews' hearts leap with hope and trust.

Quarter. The upper part of a vessel's side from abaft the main mast to the stern. Quarter gallery. Reef. A portion of a sail that can be drawn close together. Rosaries. Strings of beads used by Roman Catholics in praying. Scuttle. To make a hole in the bottom of a ship in order to sink it. A seron or seroon is a kind of small trunk made in Spanish America out of a piece of raw bullock's hide.

Mademoiselle Scuderi completed what Seron had commenced, by letting many a gentle ray of hope stream into the girl's heart, till at length a violent flood of tears, which started to her eyes, brought her relief, and she was able to tell what had befallen, with only occasional interruptions, when the overmastering might of her sorrow turned her words into sobbing.

I ought to add that some persons pretend to think this story of Doctor Seron is a mere invention. Louvois, the better to gain his object, had advised the King not to take her with him to the army. The King was weak enough to repeat this to her, and this it was that excited her against Louvois.

I ought to add that some persons pretend to think this story of Doctor Seron is a mere invention. Louvois, the better to gain his object, had advised the King not to take her with him to the army. The King was weak enough to repeat this to her, and this it was that excited her against Louvois.

Her Narrow- mindedness. Her Devotion. Revocation of the Edict of Nantes. Its Fatal Consequences. Saint Cyr. Madame de Maintenon Desires Her Marriage to be Declared. Her Schemes. Counterworked by Louvois. His Vigorous Conduct and Sudden Death. Behaviour of the King. Extraordinary Death of Seron. Daily Occupations of Madame de Maintenon. Her Policy How She Governed the King's Affairs.

I ought to add that some persons pretend to think this story of Doctor Seron is a mere invention. Louvois, the better to gain his object, had advised the King not to take her with him to the army. The King was weak enough to repeat this to her, and this it was that excited her against Louvois.

By this speech he induced his men to contemn the multitude of the enemy, and to fall upon Seron; and upon joining battle with him he beat the Syrians; and when their general fell among the rest they all ran away with speed, as thinking that to be their best way of escaping.

Here her royal son first proved himself a glorious military hero, and his deeds at the siege of Galera and before Seron filled her maternal heart with inexpressible pride. The words which he shouted to his retreating men: "Do you call yourselves Spaniards and not know what honour means?