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The primitive Gothic was found in the earliest doorways, the florid in those del Perdon and de los Leones, and the Arab architecture showed its graceful horseshoe arches in the triforium running round the whole abside of the choir, which was the work of Cisneros, who, though he burnt the Moslem books, introduced their style of architecture into the heart of the Christian temple.

Gabriel walked for some time up and down the deserted square, wrapping himself up to his eyes in the muffler of his cloak, while at intervals his hollow cough shook him painfully. Without daring to stop walking on account of the bitter cold, he looked at the great doorway called "del Perdon," the only part of the church able to present a really imposing aspect.

"Of all that we remember nothing remains but the famous tapestries that are hung outside the Cathedral. The giants are not drawn up before the Puerta del Perdon, and the procession is shorn of its glory." The Chapel-master also complained bitterly. "And the mass, Señor Esteban? Just think what a mass for such a solemn festivity!

The first storey of the façade was broken in the centre by the great Puerta del Perdon, an enormous and very deeply-recessed Gothic arch, which narrowed as it receded by the gradations of its mouldings, adorned by statues of apostles, under open-worked canopies, and by shields emblazoned with lions and castles.

I'm as hungry as a famished coyote." "Carrai! the coyotes of these parts won't be hungry for some time. Vaya!" "Who knows whether they've killed `El Cojo'?" "`Catch a fox, kill a fox. No. He's found some hole to creep through, I warrant him. "`El que mata un ladron Tiene cien anos de perdon."

BRUNO. No, lo que es querer ... con perdón de usted ... lo mismo que las de antaño ... sino que se las figura allá yo no qué cosas del otro jueves, y ... y con nada se satisfacen. DON PEDRO. Quise indicar que no tienen al parecer tanta gana de casarse como tenían las de nuestros tiempos.

Sometimes in the evenings, when the services were ended and the Cathedral was locked up, Gabriel would go up to the abode of the bell-ringer, stopping on the gallery above the door del Perdon.

If you had no change and said, "Perdon, por Dios," he would scowl and let you pass; but if you looked annoyed or disgusted, or ordered him out of the way, or pushed by without a word, he would glare at you with a concentrated rage which seemed to say, "Oh, to have you down at my mercy, bound hand and foot, a sharp knife in my hand!"

Before the commencement of the festival, the inquisitive of the Cathedral, pretending absent-mindedness, strolled between the choir and the Puerta del Perdon. The canons in their red robes assembled near the staircase lighted by the famous "stone of light." His Eminence would come down this way, and the canons grouped themselves, timidly whispering, asking each other what was going to happen.

I won't say any more; but be ready to help me. The day when you least expect it you may see her in the Cathedral." The erection of the monument was finished. All that part of the church between the choir and the door del Perdon was occupied by this showy and ponderous fabric.