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They had learnt that Kara was in the habit of keeping large sums of money in the house and they had planned to rob him. That was the story in a nutshell. Somewhere the plan miscarried. It was when he came to the incidents that occurred on the night of the murder that T. X. followed him with the greatest interest. "The old gentleman came in," said Fisher, "and I saw him up to the room.

She must never be left alone for any length of time, when we may be wanting to go off together on a hike or a swimming party. It may be hard now and then to be left out. We must not expect Kara always to be cheerful and patient." Louise had been looking toward Tory Drew. She now turned her head and her glance traveled from one face to the other.

Kara was bored and I thought if I could manage we would come down here to our 'Choros. Isn't it learned to have called our dancing ground by the name of the first dancing grounds ever discovered and built by Daedalus, the famous artificer of Crete? However, we are obliged to give Miss Frean the credit for most of our erudition. "We will go on again to the lake as soon as I have rested a little.

He smiled, as he worked after his Chief had gone, at the recollection of Kara's profound astonishment and the gratification he strove so desperately to disguise. Kara was a vain man, immensely conscious of his good looks, conscious of his wealth.

"That's all," she replied with tightened lips; "what are you going to do now?" "I am going to ask you a few questions if I may," he said. "In the first place have you not heard anything about Mr. Kara since you went away?" She shook her head. "I have kept out of his way," she said grimly. "Have you seen the newspapers?" he asked. She nodded.

Confronting him, still in her Turkish dress, was poor Grace. She was not bound I was pleased to see, but when on my entrance she rose and made as if to come towards me, she was unceremoniously thrown back by the guardian who stood at her side. "'Mr. John Lexman, drawled Kara, 'you are at the beginning of a great disillusionment.

He is a trusty man. I did as I was bid! and the man, a veteran and quiet-looking gentleman of the guard, named Kara, entered, bowing low. 'Take this parchment, said Nyleptha; 'it is thy warrant; and guard every place of in and outgoing in the apartments of my sister Sorais, the "Lady of the Night", and a Queen of the Zu-Vendi. Let none come in and none go out, or thy life shall pay the cost.

In that second of time Kara's face had undergone a transformation. The eyes which met T. X. Meredith's blazed with an almost insane fury. With a quick stride Kara placed himself before the open safe. "I think this has gone far enough, Mr. Meredith," he said harshly. "If you wish to search my safe you must get a warrant."

Frederigo Nano, however, who, by Barbarigo's desire, had assumed the command, succeeded in rallying his men, and not only beat off Sirocco, but made a prize of one of his best galleys and its commander, the corsair Kara Ali. The combat between the Turks and the Venetians seemed inspired by the intensest personal hatred; the Turks thirsting for fresh conquests, the Venetians for vengeance.

He shook his head. "So far as I know Lady Bartholomew is in the best of health and is on her way home." "Then what do you mean by asking me about the newspapers!" she demanded; "why should I see the newspapers what is there for me to see?" "About Kara?" he suggested. She shook her head in bewilderment. "I know and want to know nothing about Kara. Why do you say this to me?"