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Eh, the fowth o' fushionless beggars I hae seen come to me like yersel'! Ow ay! it was aye wark they wad hae! an' cudna du mair nor a flee amo' triacle! What coonty are ye frae, wi' the lang legs an' the lang back-bane o' ye?" Cosmo told him. The hands of the old man rose from his sides, and made right angles of his elbows. "Weel," he said slowly, "that's no an ill coonty to come frae.

LONDON, February 28, O. S. 1751. MY DEAR FRIEND: This epigram in Martial "Non amo te, Sabidi, nec possum dicere quare; Hoc tantum possum dicere, non amo te" Fell The reason why I cannot tell. But this I know and know full well: I do not love thee Dr. Fell." has puzzled a great many people, who cannot conceive how it is possible not to love anybody, and yet not to know the reason why.

According to the testimony of various writers, Om, although comprehending both elements of the Deity, was nevertheless female in signification. Sir William Jones observes that Om means oracle matrix or womb. "The word Om or Am in the Hebrew not only signifies might, strength, power, firmness, solidity, truth, but it means also Mother, as in Genesis ii., 24, and Love, whence the Latin Amo, Mamma.

On Wallis's appearance the warlike Tahitians at once attacked the Dolphin, but were easily defeated, and the guns and small arms with which they then for the first time made acquaintance had such an effect upon them that they speedily made peace, and recognised the superiority of Europeans. The defeat had, however, a great effect on the prestige of Amo, whose authority rapidly diminished.

Their persecution bewildered her, and the resulting stupefaction was a kind of support to her for a time; but at last she could endure it no longer, being really hurt by a fall, and ran crying into the shop, where she sobbed out, "Please, sir, they winna lat me be." "Dinna come into the chop wi' yer stories. Mak' it up amo' yersels." "But they winna mak' it up."

He tells how, one glorious June day, he was sitting in school, listening to the priest outraging the verb "amo," when his eyes wandered to the window and lighted on a cherry-tree, red with fruit, and then strayed away to the hills and the sky and the distant curve of the sea-shore.

It is an ingenious performance, which fell into my hands many years after I had gone forth to see and to feel what war was like. In Spangenberg's Grammatical War the nouns and the verbs are the contending parties. Poeta is king of the nouns, and Amo king of the verbs. There is a regular debate between the two sovereigns.

I'm clean affrontit 'at ever I hed ye amo' my men." But with that there rushed over Peter the recollection of how he had himself mistrusted, not Malcolm's word indeed, but his heart. He turned, and clasping his hands in sudden self reproach, "My lord, I saired ye ill mysel' ance," he cried; "for I misdoobted 'at ye wasna the same to me efter ye cam to yer ain.

Quemach in amo antlacaquio in antocnihuan tohuian tohuiano xicahuacano, in tizaoctlio teoatlachinoloctli; ma ye ticiti in ompa tinectilo in tochan xochiahuachoctli, zan ic ahuiaca ihuinti in toyollo, tetlamachtio teyolquimao tixochiachichinatihui netlamachtiloyan in toquizayan xochitlalpan tonacatlalpan: tlemach oamaxqueo? xichualcaquican in tocuic in tamocnihuan, etc.

Were I to put up with this I must leave the school, leave the parish; nay, leave the country. There is a stain upon me which I must wash out, or I cannot remain here." "No, no, no," said his wife, embracing him. ""Amo" in the cool of the evening! And that when, as God is my judge above me, I have done my best to relieve what has seemed to me the unmerited sorrows of two poor sufferers!