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As they were going to start, a footman met Nekhludoff in the ante-room, and handed him a note from Mariette: Pour vous faire plaisir, f'ai agi tout a fait contre mes principes et j'ai intercede aupres de mon mari pour votre protegee. Il se trouve que cette personne pout etre relaxee immediatement. Mon mari a ecrit au commandant. Venez donc disinterestedly. Je vous attends.

State Papers, Vol. VII. p. 520. Hoc dico quod video inter regem et pontificem conjunctissime et amicissime hic agi. Vannes to Cromwell: Ibid. Vannes to Cromwell: State Papers, Vol. VII. pp. 522-3. Burnet, Collectanea, p. 436. Letter of the King of France: Legrand, Vol. III. Reply of Henry: Foxe, Vol. V. p. 110. Commission of the Bishop of Paris: Legrand, Vol. III.; Burnet, Vol.

If a sample of silver coin weighing 0.2500 gram gives a precipitate of AgCl weighing 0.2991 gram, what weight of AgI could have been obtained from the same weight of sample, and what is the percentage of silver in the coin? !Answers!: 0.4898 gr.; 90.05%. !Answer!: 47.03 cc. What will be the weight of the ignited precipitate? !Answers!: 2.26 cc.; 0.2154 gram. !Answer!: 0.80 cc. !Answer!: 2.63 cc.

"Le Scene del Carcere Duro in Austria," writes the Marquis Pallavicino, "non sono ancora la storia del Ventuno. Un uomo potrebbe scriverla e svelare molte infamie tuttavia occulte del governo Austriaco. Quest' uomo e Felice Foresti. Il quale abbandono gli agi Americani per combattere un' altra volta, guerriero canuto, le gloriose battaglie dell' Italico risorgimento.

Rajah Agi Bota himself generally resides some distance up a small river which runs eastward of the point; near his habitation stands the principal bazaar, which would be a great curiosity for an European to visit if he could only manage to return, which very few have.

See a fine commentary on this passage in Sen. de Benef. 4, 17: Quis est, qui non beneficus videri velit? qui non inter scelera et injurias opinionem bonitatis affectet? velit quoque iis videri beneficium dedisse, quos laesit? gratias itaque agi sibi ab his, quos afflixere, patiuntur. Salarium. Properly salt-money, i.e. a small allowance to the soldiers for the purchase of salt.

Agi Bota is a good looking man, about forty years of age, of no education whatever; he divides his time between gaming, opium and cockfighting; that is in the interval of his more serious and profitable employment, piracy and rapine.

Algiers he left in the keeping of his son Hassan, and in charge of Hassan his kinsman Celebi Rabadan and a captain of the name of Agi. In the middle of August, 1533, Barbarossa left Algiers, his fleet consisting of seven galleys and eleven fustas.

Alas for the beautiful city! Alas for the wit and the learning, the genius and the love! "Le donne, e i cavalier, gli affanni, e gli agi, Che ne 'nvogliava amore e cortesia La dove i cuor son fatti si malvagi."