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They got enough of that, during their long hours on deck, to counteract the stifling odours of the regions below! "Now, then, boys, dar you is," said Zulu, placing a huge pot on the floor, containing some sort of nautical soup. "I's cook you soup an' tea, an' dar's sugar an' butter, an' lots o' fish and biskit, so you fire away till you bu'st yourselves."

Pitying his plight, Benita ran into the cave and returned presently with a tin of water. One of the Kaffirs held it to his lips, and he drank greedily. Then, leaving one Zulu to watch him, Robert, Benita, and the other Zulu went back, and as gently as they could carried out Mr.

From this time onward, South Africa has held a position of increasing importance in our colonial history, and is likely to continue to do so for many years to come; it will be well therefore before considering the wars referred to, to give a general view of the position of the British, the Dutch, and the Zulu at the date of their commencement.

While we were doing this we heard some shouts below and presently the Zulu returned, who reported that all was as Hans had said and that Rezu's men were moving round us, having discovered, as he thought, that we had halted and escaped their ambush.

And, the packing completed, we drank together for The Last Time. The Zulu and Jean Le Negre and the Machine-Fixer and B. and I and Pete The Shadow drifted over, whiter than I think I ever saw him, and said simply to me: "I'll take care o' your friend, Johnny."

"You are right!" he exclaimed. "They are riding fast, and keeping clear of the Zulu camp, which they probably discovered from the height, and think it prudent to avoid. We will go down and meet them. Percy, do you remain here on guard. You need not rouse up our father, but if you see anything suspicious, send down and let him know." Saying this, Rupert, followed by Denis, hurried down.

He it was who, when we escaped from the Zulu Impi, had told me to steer north, because there we should find the place of a white man who lived under the shadow of a great peak that was full of baboons. Perhaps he could help in this extremity at any rate it was worth trying. "Indaba-zimbi," I said, "you say that you can send your spirit through the doors of space and see what we cannot see.

Now a great roar of "Izwa!" accompanied by the clapping of hands, rose from all the outer multitude who heard, for there was no information that the Zulu people desired so earnestly as this at the time of which I write.

The Young Pole with a shriek of fear climbed the Zulu receiving just as he had compassed this human hurdle a crack on the seat of his black pants that stood him directly upon his head.

As he left the water-front, following the appearance of the Zulu Queen, he cast his eye hopefully upward at the threatening clouds; a down-pouring storm would be the thing most prayed for. Until it was time to start for the drain to oversee the transfer of the gold, Storri would remain with the San Reve.