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Zelotes, proudly, "though I shouldn't think it was right for Andrew to hire a team every day."

And they were filled with madness; and communed one with another what they might do to Jesus. And it came to pass in those days, that he went out into a mountain to pray, and continued all night in prayer to God. And when it was day, he called unto him his disciples: and of them he chose twelve, whom also he named apostles; Matthew and Thomas, James the son of Alphaeus, and Simon called Zelotes,

I was beginnin' to be afraid you'd forgotten how." The captain helped himself to another fried "tinker" mackerel. "No danger of that around here, Rachel," he said serenely. "So long as my hearin's good I couldn't forget not in this house." Olive detained her grandson as he was following Captain Zelotes from the dining room. "What's wrong with him, Albert?" she whispered. "Do you know?"

She kept her own windows upon that side as clear and bright as diamonds, and her curtains in the stiffest, snowy slants, lest her terrible mother-in-law should have occasion to impeach her housekeeping, she being a notable housewife. The habits of the Louds of Loudville were considered shiftless in the extreme, and poor Fanny had heard an insinuation of Mrs. Zelotes to that effect. The elder Mrs.

Calvin, "that I kept my word." Captain Zelotes pulled at his beard. "All right, Al," he said, after a moment; "you can go." Albert went out of the private office. After he had gone the captain turned to his irate customer. "I'm sorry this happened, Mr. Calvin," he said, "and if Keeler or I had been here it probably wouldn't.

She'll come, and when she does I cal'late both you and I are goin' to be satisfied." "But why didn't she WRITE more, Zelotes? That's what I can't understand." Captain Zelotes tugged at his beard reflectively. "When I wrote Fosdick the other day," he said, "I couldn't write more than a couple of pages. I was too upset to do it. I couldn't, that's all." "Yes, but you are Albert's grandfather."

Kendall was not there that evening, his attendance being required at a meeting of the Sunday School teachers. Helen, however, was not at that meeting and Captain Zelotes declared his intention of asking her opinion by telephone. "She'll say same as I do you see if she don't," he declared.

Lebbeus was also called Judas, but he was a different man from another Judas, whose name is always given last. The eleventh name was another Simon, who was called "the Cananean" or "Simon Zelotes"; and the last name was Judas Iscariot, who was afterward the traitor. We know very little about most of these men, but some of them in later days did a great work.

Zelotes watched Ellen dance with inward delight and outward disapproval. "I don't approve of dancing, never did," she said to Andrew, but she was furious once when Ellen sat through a dance. Towards the end of the evening she saw with sudden alertness Ellen dancing with a new partner, a handsome young man, who carried himself with more assurance than the school-boys. Mrs.

Miss Mitchell lived alone with her mother, who was an old friend of Mrs. Zelotes. Ellen privately thought her rather better-looking than her own grandmother, though her admiration was based upon wholly sentimental reasons. Old Mrs. Mitchell might have earned more money in a museum of freaks than her daughter in a district school.