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Mr Trivett solemnly shook his head. "What does that mean?" "It's hard to zay. But from what I zee an' from what I hear tell, he be a deal too clever." "Isn't that an advantage nowadays?" "Often. But he's quarrelled with his feyther and zoon gets tired of everything he takes up." Trivett's remarks increased Mavis' sympathy for Perigal.

Gusher, again putting his hand to his heart and making a formal bow, "you do me so many compliments as I don't deserve. I have anticipated ze pleazure and ze honor so much to zee your daughter. I am zure I shall be delight wiz her. If I shall speak Englis so well as you, then I shall be so happy. Then I makes myself agreeable to your daughter, I am so sure." Mr.

Chapman, I have always yielded to you " "And I have always yielded to you," resumed the anxious woman, "and never considered it a condescension. But in this I must have my own way." And Mrs. Chapman got up and walked to a window overlooking the Tappan Zee. The night was bright and starlight, and shadows were flitting and dancing over the smooth waters.

The music, though not without a touch of coarseness, overflows with life and energy, and one scene in particular, that of a Flemish Kermesse, is masterly in its judicious and convincing use of local colour. Jan Blockx's later works, 'Thyl Uylenspiegel' , 'De Bruid van der Zee' and 'De Kapelle' do not appear to have met with equal success.

It stands in the heathland that slopes and rolls from the wooded hills of Gelderland to the southern shore of the Zuider Zee a sandy country overgrown with scrub-oaks and pines and heather yet very healthy and well drained, and not unfertile under cultivation.

As I spoke, I had of course risen from my couch: but Zee, much to my confusion, curtly ordered me to lie down again, and there was something in her voice and eye, gentle as both were, that compelled my obedience. She then seated herself unconcernedly at the foot of my bed, while her father took his place on a divan a few feet distant.

From its harbour at the confluence of the estuary of the Y with the Zuyder Zee ships owned and manned by Hollanders sailed along the coasts of France and Spain to bring home the salt for curing purposes and with it wines and other southern products, while year by year a still larger and increasing number entered the Baltic.

Jean Bènard, or I'm a sinner!" Jean Bènard it was, and his face lighted with pleasure as he staggered into the camp. "I fear for you, m'sieu," he said to Stane in simple explanation, "therefore I come. Bo'jour, M'sieu Anderton, dis ees a good meeting on zee bad day! But dat surely dat ees Chigmok? An' zee mees where ees she?" Stane waved a hand towards the lake.

Without making any answer to this reproach, the little father riveted his one eye upon Rodin with an expression of enthusiasm, and exclaimed, whilst he accompanied his words with petulant gestures, "At lazt I zee te zuperb light of our zacred Company, and can zalute him from my heart vonse more, vonse more."

"I am for the kerk," said she, "to hear a beautiful preacher." Kate sighed. "And a minute ago, Kate, I was all agog to go; that is the way with me this month past; up and down, up and down, like the waves of the Zuyder Zee. I'd as lieve stay aside thee; say the word!" "Nay," said Kate, "prithee go; and bring me back every word. Well-a-day that I cannot go myself."