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To the dark night herd, so mournful and so sad, And I'd like to be in the moonlight on the Rio, Wheah good men are good, and bad men are bad!" Kid Wolf sang the tune softly to the whispering wind, as the trio climbed under a New Mexican moon to the top of a vast mesa. "Guess yuh'll find some plenty bad ones here in Skull County, eh, Kid?" laughed Red grimly.

Yuh take my advice, an' when he comes cavortin' about yeah again within ropin' distance get yuah string on him and corral him foh keeps. He'll be good from now on if you give him thu chanct. An' if yuh don't, he'll run rampageous to the bad an' yuh'll be to blame!" And the wise old woman was even wiser than she knew.

By following the mountain chain to the westward he would reach a dry wash that would lead him to a point within sight of Goliday's hacienda. "Still set on it?" The Kid nodded. "Adios! Yuh'll probably get through to the S Bar in good time. Good-by, Harry." "Good luck!" they shouted after him.

"Mind yuh, I don't believe a word of it; Happy, if this is just a sell, so help me Josephine, you'll learn some brand new Jiujitsu right away quick." "I'll go along too," Happy boldly retorted, "so if yuh want anything uh me, after you've saw Weary, yuh won't need t' wait till yuh strike camp t' git it. Weary loadin' me, was he? Yuh'll find out, all uh yuh, that it's him that's loaded."

"We are a party from the north, riding through the Kentucky Mountains partly for pleasure, partly for business reasons." "Whut business?" "That is a personal question, is it not?" smiled Grace. "Won't you sit down and rest before you go on? We shall be glad to have you do so." "Be yuh goin' to answer mah question?" "I think not, sir." "Ah'll tell yuh who Ah be, then, an' mebby yuh'll answer.

I never reached 'em. The Terror cut me off and left me like this! Say, I don't know yore name, pard, but " "Call me 'Kid Wolf," answered the youth, "from Texas." His eyes had narrowed at the mention of the name "The Terror." "Somethin' on my mind, Kid Wolf. It's that wagon train. The Terror will wipe it out. Promise me yuh'll try and warn 'em." "I promise, old-timah," murmured the Texan.

I'm old, anyway. Promise yuh'll stick with him, no matter what happens to me!" "I promise," said The Kid, and the two men shook hands. Getting to the water hole and back again was a forlorn hope, but Robbins was past reasoning. Lurching through the door, he ran outside the hut and toward the tulles. Young Robbins cried after his father, and then covered his eyes.

If they don't get here " The big man's wide mouth hardened. "But I'm afraid I'm a poor host," he added apologetically. "Yuh'll have supper and stay the night with us, I'm sure. Tip, you an' Scotty go out and bring in The Kid's hoss." The Texan consented, thanking him, and all began to make preparations for the night. The big general store seemed more like a fort in time of war than anything else.

When they were passed quite out of the presence of the dead, they spurred their horses into a gallop. The sun marked mid-afternoon when they returned, and the four who had waited drew long breaths of relief at sight of them. "We told Patsy we'd run onto a den " "Oh, shut up, can't yuh?" Jack Bates interrupted shortly. "Yuh'll have plenty uh time to tell us afterwards."

Nevah mind tryin' to use it, fo' I've unloaded it." The face of the man in black was white with fury. His gimlet eyes had narrowed to slits, and his mouth was distorted with rage. It was the face of a killer a murderer without conscience or pity. "I'll get yuh for this, Wolf!" he bellowed. "Yuh'll find out how strong I am here. This country isn't big enough to hold us both, blast yuh!